So, yeah, there's been a bit of a delay in my projects since I've been recently spending my free time working on a new website that I created with Gamer 720. This new site is much more advanced than this one, as it's an actual website, not a blog. We've really put a lot of time and effort into it (not to mention money) and it's really truning out well. We have a community maps section where you can post your maps, tons of forums to talk about whatever your heart desires, a shop where you can spend points you earn from posting on cool items to put on your display shelf, and even an awesome arcade where you can compete to get highscores. I must admit, it's pretty slick And while it's a gathering place for the puzzle community, we also gladly accept any new member, and have sections to post non-puzzle maps as well. So whether you're a fan of puzzles or not, this site is worth a look:
The official blog of SavageShore Creations. Here you will find updates about news in gaming, reliable reviews ranging from new game releases to a number of TV shows, videos which will primarily consist of machinimas, and maps and games that I've created in either Halo 3 or Halo: Reach. You will find that the majority of my work will be oriented around the Xbox 360 as that is the console of my choice. This site will also be serving as my online portfolio, so everything I post here will contribute to that, and I don't frankly care whether any of it gets views or not. For those who are tuning in for entertainment, I hope you enjoy what I have to offer.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Things to come
Alright, I figured that this place was in need of an update. For those who think that I no longer care about this site and only concentrate on Paradox Forgers- you're wrong. I will still regularly update this site with news you won't get on Paradox so keep stickin around.
So I got your opinions on my variations of a signature and from your helpful feedback I have concocted a final version:
Thanks, I like this one a lot.
I have now dedicated my full attention to Mind Crypt and it shouldn't be too far away from a release since I now have it fully planned out.
Here are some things to expect from it:
-Loads of new challenges and concepts
-Mainly takes place in SkyBubble and Main Level
-Should be around 30 challenges if all goes to plan
-Since this is the fourth and final installment of the "Mind" series and the last of my solo puzzle maps, it will be, by far, the best of my work.
Still, don't expect it for a couple of weeks. In between that time, there is a good chance that I'll put up the walkthrough for Paratroxity on YouTube. It won't be anything too spectacular but it will show each of us doing our own section rather than having Tylyr1's walkthrough for the video. This will also help show the viewers who made what. After Mind Crypt, I will turn my attention to the Necrubis Machinima. So keep your eyes open.
Monday, July 13, 2009
The After Effects
Hey guys, s'up? Anywho, Paratroxity has been released and is experiencing great success. It's gotten featured on Forging Grounds, has over 63 replies and 3500 views on ForgeHub, is dominating the forums on xForgery, ReadyUpLive (even though Gamer posted it in the wrong section), and MonitorBuilt, and has generated a bombardment of messages upon us, the creators. I can't wait to see what it'll be like when it gets on Bungie Favorites :).
Anyways, right now I'm working on the Necrubis Machinima, and Mind Crypt, along with some other top-secret projects. I also just finished creating a forum signature for myself. I think that it turned out pretty decent considering that I had to do it al in Microsoft Paint (I don't have Photoshop). The problem is that I came up with two versions and can't decide which one's better. Take a look, tell me what you think of them, and then vote in the poll, and I'll go with the most popular decision.
Version #1

Version #2

Anyways, right now I'm working on the Necrubis Machinima, and Mind Crypt, along with some other top-secret projects. I also just finished creating a forum signature for myself. I think that it turned out pretty decent considering that I had to do it al in Microsoft Paint (I don't have Photoshop). The problem is that I came up with two versions and can't decide which one's better. Take a look, tell me what you think of them, and then vote in the poll, and I'll go with the most popular decision.
Version #1

Version #2

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Well, the monster has finally arrived. I think that it’s safe to say that this map is the most anticipated puzzle of the year. And it’s no wonder why. This map was built by six of the greatest puzzle makers in Halo 3. The creators are as follows:
YEE MAN IZ BAK- Creator of the "Test Your Mind" Series, and "Elemental" Series, over 40 puzzles total.
Mander A1- Creator of the "Mind" series. Mind Gouge, Mind Snare, and Mind Trap.
BuddhaCrane- Creator of "Hell on Earth", "Re on Carnation", and "The Rack on Tours".
Gamer720- Creator of the "Saw" Series.Saw Evolution, Saw Extremity, and Saw Fourtress.
T3CHH800-Creator of Area 51, Extacy, and Valium 10mg.
Jmen77- Creator of the "Odd" Series. Caverns of Odd, Raiders of Odd, and Crusades of Odd.
Over three months ago T3CHH800 came up with the idea that if the top puzzle makers in Halo 3 were to unite, the result could be mind-blowing. He sent out messages to the most recognized puzzle makers, pitching the idea. We all loved it since it meant that we'd each only have to forge a couple of challenges instead of an entire map, allowing us to spend more time on coming up with great ideas and forging them since they represent us as a puzzle maker. Not only would this ensure that our challenges would be of the best quality, but it would also mean that the map would have a great variety in both challenges and forging style. And so we have spent those entire three months working hard on this map, and even completely restarted it twice in the first month, since it wasn't turning out up to our standards. You don’t even want to know the total amount of hours that went into this thing. We each forged a different section of the map and would hand it off to the next person after we’re done our part (It’s too tedious to forge with more than one person in a game). So now, when progressing through the map, you’ll be able to recognize the different styles and techniques of each forger. Now the map is done, and we are finally pleased with the way it turned out. This map is chalk-full of new and never-seen-before challenges that will push you problem-solving skills to the limits. Here are the preview videos of the map, to give you an idea of the forge quality to expect:
YouTube - Paratroxity Preview
YouTube - Paratroxity Trailer
We used a budget-glitched OLN canvas, and pushed its limits, so this will probably be the biggest puzzle map you'll ever see. Almost all of the default items were used and interlocked, which is a pain to do but really helps increase the length and size of the map.
This map is fun to play with with up to four players, but is meant for one person, (yes, you can pass all of the challenges on your own). While this map doesn’t feature any difficult moves like ghost jumps, it is still a map for experienced puzzle players, and is pretty hard to beat.
That is why we decided to include a contest with Paratroxity.
Paratroxity Contest:
The first person to legitimately beat the map wins 1400 Microsoft Points.
The person that completes the map in the fastest time by July 30th wins a 13 month Gold Subscription.
To find out how to enter, check out the Contest Details.
(You may submit on this thread, just post a link to the video in your fileshare.)
Click Here For ForgeHub Post and Pictures
Here’s a breakdown so you know who forged which section:
Challenge 1- T3CHH800
Challenge 2- mander A1
Challenge 3- Forged by mander A1
Original idea by T3CHH800, concept tweaked by mander A1
Paratroxity Hub (respawn area)- T3CHH800
Challenges 4-12- mander A1
Challenges 13-16- YEE MAN IZ BAK
Challenge 17- T3CHH800, idea added from mander A1
Challenges 18-19- Jmen77
Challenges 20-22- BuddhaCrane
Challenges 23-24- Gamer720
Challenge 25- YEE MAN IZ BAK
Paratroxity Hints
Challenge 1: Opening a new area is always a joy,
In order to do this, run and deploy.
Challenge 2: You’ll have to do a move you weren’t taught,
Using a familiar object to get one that’s not.
Challenge 3: Use your new tool, yes, the one that just fell,
To get as close as you can to the depths of Hell.
Challenge 4: You’re back alive and somewhere new, but now there is much selection,
The proper way has something red which points you in the right direction.
Challenge 5: Bump your head against the roof to find something of which you were unaware,
And looking up may not only tell you where to go, but also how to get there.
Challenge 6: Ignore the first room, go into the second, the one with the golden floor,
There you will find what you need to get through the greenish door.
Challenge 7: Before you leave the room of healing there is something you must do,
And once you’ve done it, you’ll see your results in the form of something new.
Challenge 8: You’ve already got one piece of equipment ready in the opposing room,
Now you need to add another, one that doesn’t end with a big boom.
Challenge 9: To get out of this room you’ll need to use something twice,
And you’ll need to do it rather quickly or it won’t suffice.
Challenge 10: There should be two things in here, make sure that you’ve got ’em,
Now find a way to activate what may be at the bottom.
Challenge 11: Quickly now, if the deed was done as it should,
Destroy yourself along with some wood.
Challenge 12: Quickly go back down the same part of the map,
And jump into the blue to cross the gap.
Challenge 13: Into the room with the golden wall,
A certain shot will release the ball,
Let it climb up about a quarter,
So that you can reach the teleporter.
Challenge 14: New items here, be careful though,
You must leave a gift for below.
Challenge 15: Now it’s time to go the way you haven’t before,
Since you can use your present to open a door.
Challenge 16: You have more room, but you can only smash and slam,
Is there something else, or are you supposed to ram?
Challenge 17: Unbroken silence is what you first must restore,
Then you must push the culprit right through the floor.
Now wait for the sound of a distant explosion,
And do not leave unless it’s a big one.
Challenge 18: Through the green, then locate the gun,
Don’t destroy things- put them in motion.
Challenge 19: There’ll be not one but two things that drop,
And you’ll need them both to get to the top.
Challenge 20: Careful here, there’s an unknown danger,
Crossing the gap couldn’t be stranger.
Challenge 21: Don’t suicide, don’t unblock- you’d gain nothing thereof,
No, the answer here lies in what floats up above.
Challenge 22: Make sure you unblock the checkpoint before moving to the next issue,
Where you’ll need to strategically place shields in order to get through.
Challenge 23: As far as the creators of this map go, you’re on the last of the six,
Here you’ll have to ask yourself “can I bounce what only sticks?”
Challenge 24: The last checkpoint is open, death will bring you there,
After you go through it, you must walk with care,
Once in the room, you need to give the neighbours their mail,
In return you’ll get what can open the last chapter of this tale.
Challenge 25: You did it! You’re at the end, the bomb is there on the floor,
But what’s that behind those bars? It looks like there’s more...
Extra Effort:
Mander A1- Easily put the most time into the map fixing breaks in everyone’s sections, touching up the forge quality, and preparing the map for the next person.
T3CHH800- Came up with the idea for us to work on a map together and originally organized the project.
YEE MAN IZ BAK- Rigorously play-tested the map and re-did his section a number of times for the benefit of the map.
Gamer720- Worked hard to promote the map and advertise anywhere possible.
BuddhaCrane- Got off Final Fantasy XI to forge his part.
A special thanks to all those trust-worthy souls that helped us playtest this map. Playtesting was long, tedious, and excruciating, but you guys did great and it really helped the map.
You must play this map as a Spartan, it cannot be beat as an Elite!
And that's about it,
Thanks for viewing and please tell us what you think!
YEE MAN IZ BAK- Creator of the "Test Your Mind" Series, and "Elemental" Series, over 40 puzzles total.
Mander A1- Creator of the "Mind" series. Mind Gouge, Mind Snare, and Mind Trap.
BuddhaCrane- Creator of "Hell on Earth", "Re on Carnation", and "The Rack on Tours".
Gamer720- Creator of the "Saw" Series.Saw Evolution, Saw Extremity, and Saw Fourtress.
T3CHH800-Creator of Area 51, Extacy, and Valium 10mg.
Jmen77- Creator of the "Odd" Series. Caverns of Odd, Raiders of Odd, and Crusades of Odd.
Over three months ago T3CHH800 came up with the idea that if the top puzzle makers in Halo 3 were to unite, the result could be mind-blowing. He sent out messages to the most recognized puzzle makers, pitching the idea. We all loved it since it meant that we'd each only have to forge a couple of challenges instead of an entire map, allowing us to spend more time on coming up with great ideas and forging them since they represent us as a puzzle maker. Not only would this ensure that our challenges would be of the best quality, but it would also mean that the map would have a great variety in both challenges and forging style. And so we have spent those entire three months working hard on this map, and even completely restarted it twice in the first month, since it wasn't turning out up to our standards. You don’t even want to know the total amount of hours that went into this thing. We each forged a different section of the map and would hand it off to the next person after we’re done our part (It’s too tedious to forge with more than one person in a game). So now, when progressing through the map, you’ll be able to recognize the different styles and techniques of each forger. Now the map is done, and we are finally pleased with the way it turned out. This map is chalk-full of new and never-seen-before challenges that will push you problem-solving skills to the limits. Here are the preview videos of the map, to give you an idea of the forge quality to expect:
YouTube - Paratroxity Preview
YouTube - Paratroxity Trailer
We used a budget-glitched OLN canvas, and pushed its limits, so this will probably be the biggest puzzle map you'll ever see. Almost all of the default items were used and interlocked, which is a pain to do but really helps increase the length and size of the map.
This map is fun to play with with up to four players, but is meant for one person, (yes, you can pass all of the challenges on your own). While this map doesn’t feature any difficult moves like ghost jumps, it is still a map for experienced puzzle players, and is pretty hard to beat.
That is why we decided to include a contest with Paratroxity.
Paratroxity Contest:
The first person to legitimately beat the map wins 1400 Microsoft Points.
The person that completes the map in the fastest time by July 30th wins a 13 month Gold Subscription.
To find out how to enter, check out the Contest Details.
(You may submit on this thread, just post a link to the video in your fileshare.)
Click Here For ForgeHub Post and Pictures
Here’s a breakdown so you know who forged which section:
Challenge 1- T3CHH800
Challenge 2- mander A1
Challenge 3- Forged by mander A1
Original idea by T3CHH800, concept tweaked by mander A1
Paratroxity Hub (respawn area)- T3CHH800
Challenges 4-12- mander A1
Challenges 13-16- YEE MAN IZ BAK
Challenge 17- T3CHH800, idea added from mander A1
Challenges 18-19- Jmen77
Challenges 20-22- BuddhaCrane
Challenges 23-24- Gamer720
Challenge 25- YEE MAN IZ BAK
Paratroxity Hints
Challenge 1: Opening a new area is always a joy,
In order to do this, run and deploy.
Challenge 2: You’ll have to do a move you weren’t taught,
Using a familiar object to get one that’s not.
Challenge 3: Use your new tool, yes, the one that just fell,
To get as close as you can to the depths of Hell.
Challenge 4: You’re back alive and somewhere new, but now there is much selection,
The proper way has something red which points you in the right direction.
Challenge 5: Bump your head against the roof to find something of which you were unaware,
And looking up may not only tell you where to go, but also how to get there.
Challenge 6: Ignore the first room, go into the second, the one with the golden floor,
There you will find what you need to get through the greenish door.
Challenge 7: Before you leave the room of healing there is something you must do,
And once you’ve done it, you’ll see your results in the form of something new.
Challenge 8: You’ve already got one piece of equipment ready in the opposing room,
Now you need to add another, one that doesn’t end with a big boom.
Challenge 9: To get out of this room you’ll need to use something twice,
And you’ll need to do it rather quickly or it won’t suffice.
Challenge 10: There should be two things in here, make sure that you’ve got ’em,
Now find a way to activate what may be at the bottom.
Challenge 11: Quickly now, if the deed was done as it should,
Destroy yourself along with some wood.
Challenge 12: Quickly go back down the same part of the map,
And jump into the blue to cross the gap.
Challenge 13: Into the room with the golden wall,
A certain shot will release the ball,
Let it climb up about a quarter,
So that you can reach the teleporter.
Challenge 14: New items here, be careful though,
You must leave a gift for below.
Challenge 15: Now it’s time to go the way you haven’t before,
Since you can use your present to open a door.
Challenge 16: You have more room, but you can only smash and slam,
Is there something else, or are you supposed to ram?
Challenge 17: Unbroken silence is what you first must restore,
Then you must push the culprit right through the floor.
Now wait for the sound of a distant explosion,
And do not leave unless it’s a big one.
Challenge 18: Through the green, then locate the gun,
Don’t destroy things- put them in motion.
Challenge 19: There’ll be not one but two things that drop,
And you’ll need them both to get to the top.
Challenge 20: Careful here, there’s an unknown danger,
Crossing the gap couldn’t be stranger.
Challenge 21: Don’t suicide, don’t unblock- you’d gain nothing thereof,
No, the answer here lies in what floats up above.
Challenge 22: Make sure you unblock the checkpoint before moving to the next issue,
Where you’ll need to strategically place shields in order to get through.
Challenge 23: As far as the creators of this map go, you’re on the last of the six,
Here you’ll have to ask yourself “can I bounce what only sticks?”
Challenge 24: The last checkpoint is open, death will bring you there,
After you go through it, you must walk with care,
Once in the room, you need to give the neighbours their mail,
In return you’ll get what can open the last chapter of this tale.
Challenge 25: You did it! You’re at the end, the bomb is there on the floor,
But what’s that behind those bars? It looks like there’s more...
Extra Effort:
Mander A1- Easily put the most time into the map fixing breaks in everyone’s sections, touching up the forge quality, and preparing the map for the next person.
T3CHH800- Came up with the idea for us to work on a map together and originally organized the project.
YEE MAN IZ BAK- Rigorously play-tested the map and re-did his section a number of times for the benefit of the map.
Gamer720- Worked hard to promote the map and advertise anywhere possible.
BuddhaCrane- Got off Final Fantasy XI to forge his part.
A special thanks to all those trust-worthy souls that helped us playtest this map. Playtesting was long, tedious, and excruciating, but you guys did great and it really helped the map.
You must play this map as a Spartan, it cannot be beat as an Elite!
And that's about it,
Thanks for viewing and please tell us what you think!
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