The official blog of SavageShore Creations. Here you will find updates about news in gaming, reliable reviews ranging from new game releases to a number of TV shows, videos which will primarily consist of machinimas, and maps and games that I've created in either Halo 3 or Halo: Reach. You will find that the majority of my work will be oriented around the Xbox 360 as that is the console of my choice. This site will also be serving as my online portfolio, so everything I post here will contribute to that, and I don't frankly care whether any of it gets views or not. For those who are tuning in for entertainment, I hope you enjoy what I have to offer.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Things to come

Alright, I figured that this place was in need of an update. For those who think that I no longer care about this site and only concentrate on Paradox Forgers- you're wrong. I will still regularly update this site with news you won't get on Paradox so keep stickin around.
So I got your opinions on my variations of a signature and from your helpful feedback I have concocted a final version:

Thanks, I like this one a lot.
I have now dedicated my full attention to Mind Crypt and it shouldn't be too far away from a release since I now have it fully planned out.
Here are some things to expect from it:
-Loads of new challenges and concepts
-Mainly takes place in SkyBubble and Main Level
-Should be around 30 challenges if all goes to plan
-Since this is the fourth and final installment of the "Mind" series and the last of my solo puzzle maps, it will be, by far, the best of my work.
Still, don't expect it for a couple of weeks. In between that time, there is a good chance that I'll put up the walkthrough for Paratroxity on YouTube. It won't be anything too spectacular but it will show each of us doing our own section rather than having Tylyr1's walkthrough for the video. This will also help show the viewers who made what. After Mind Crypt, I will turn my attention to the Necrubis Machinima. So keep your eyes open.


  1. That's a pretty sick sig. Nice job and I'm anxious for Mind Crypt. But you stil think it'll be over 2 weeks?

  2. Good update Mander. Hey, I might be getting gold soon so hopefully we can play some customs together.

  3. So what do I do at the third part? I got past the prat that you helped with but now the tripmine isn't there. I think i might have a broken version of the map cus it works in forge..

  4. oh and it's TYdrAgon48 sry didnt know how to put my name at the top

  5. I saw ur new forums. They're pretty cool. Are you going to keep this site too?

  6. マンネリ化したSEXを解消しませんか?Hチェッカーで簡単診断・診断結果を元に、現役AV男優・女優が直接アナタに実技指導を行う特典付きですよ

  7. 今年のクリスマスも後少しですね。グリー内でもクリスマスに備えて異性と交流を持つコミュニティが活発で、自分も今年のクリスマスにお陰で間に合いました!!みなさんもイブを一人で過ごさなくても良いように、グリーで異性をGETしよう
