The official blog of SavageShore Creations. Here you will find updates about news in gaming, reliable reviews ranging from new game releases to a number of TV shows, videos which will primarily consist of machinimas, and maps and games that I've created in either Halo 3 or Halo: Reach. You will find that the majority of my work will be oriented around the Xbox 360 as that is the console of my choice. This site will also be serving as my online portfolio, so everything I post here will contribute to that, and I don't frankly care whether any of it gets views or not. For those who are tuning in for entertainment, I hope you enjoy what I have to offer.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Reason for delay in projects

Yeah, there really isn't much of one...

I haven't released anything lately for you guys just because I've been extremely busy lately. University's about to start up again, so I'm preparing for that- buying supplies, organizing a schedule, making payments, buying deoderant, etc. I'm also trying to make the most out of last few weeks of summer by going camping with my girlfriend whenever possible. On top of that- I'm just finishing a 50 hour work week and my birthdays coming up on the 30th of this month (drinking age at last).
I've been working on scripts whenever I get a chance but I still have quite a bit of progress to make on the Mind Snare Movie before it's finished. I'm actually pretty glad that you guys chose for a map to be done after Chief's Journey- I think that it'll be a bit of a break for me. As those of you who know me from xbox live know- I haven't been on it much lately.

And so, since I have failed in entertaining you this week- I decided to atleast provide you with a small something for staying tuned to my blog, a list of links to some of my favourite YouTube videos. Enjoy, and don't harp on me too hard for being a lazy jerk.

Barack Roll
Dark Knight Spoof
Little Kid talking Trash on Halo 3
Great Moments in Presidential Speeches
A Day in the Life of Bo Burnham
My Better Half
Big Wave Surfing
Dear Penis
Banned Commercial
Creepy Spider
The Cake



  1. Understandable. Thanks for the links- saves me from finding them myself :)

  2. Man I love your blog. Seriously- it keeps me so entertained between your projects, the tidbits you give out such as in this post and some others, and just reading your take on whatever you write about. Keep up the good work.

  3. Well thanks for the links to good videos atleast. But please hurry up with UNOH 2, I want to see more of Japan and France.

  4. Stoked for Mind Ruse

  5. That creepy Spider one was messed up!

  6. Thanks for nothing you lazy jerk. "A Day in the Life" wasn't the funniest thing I've ever seen and "Big Wave Surfing" wasn't the sickest video ever.

    *end sarcasm*
    thx for teh lulz

  7. Hey no worries, shit happens. Thanks for the videos though, I almost pissed myself when I saw 'Barak Roll'.

  8. Aw, too bad, I got excited when I saw the new post thinking that it was a new video. That's okay though, atleast you provided links to some funny ones to watch. Good luck with school and 'buying deoderant'. lol

  9. Happy Birthday and thx for the vids!

  10. I've seen most of those before, but thanks anyways.

  11. Um I noticed that he hasn't completed any projects ever since he first mentioned a girlfriend. Mere coincidence or the reason to a month without projects?
