The official blog of SavageShore Creations. Here you will find updates about news in gaming, reliable reviews ranging from new game releases to a number of TV shows, videos which will primarily consist of machinimas, and maps and games that I've created in either Halo 3 or Halo: Reach. You will find that the majority of my work will be oriented around the Xbox 360 as that is the console of my choice. This site will also be serving as my online portfolio, so everything I post here will contribute to that, and I don't frankly care whether any of it gets views or not. For those who are tuning in for entertainment, I hope you enjoy what I have to offer.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Mind Snare Video

Now before you get all giddy thinking that this is the machinima I've been planning for this map for so long- don't. I was just checking out Bungie's new feature called render-to-video on their website which allows one to render a saved game film file into a video file on their computer if they have a subsricption to Bungie Pro. Well, I do happen to have a subscription to Pro so I thought I'd expirement and see what happens. As it turned out I had 5 min of render time and my walkthrough for Mind Snare just happens to be exactly 5 min, and I just happen to not have a YouTube walkthrough for Mind Snare yet- coincidence or a sign from the Gods? So I used my mintues to make the easy video I've ever made in my life. There is no music and hardly any editing but hey it's a walkthrough and it serves it's purpose. Enjoy.

Mind Snare Walkthrough

(PS- This does not necessarily mean that I will no longer be making the Mind Snare machinima, but it doesn't mean that I will either. Just think of it as a little bonus and we'll see what happens).


  1. Wow, you're giving us so many projects so quickly. It's AWESOME! You must be busy as hell. I'll check out tha vid.

  2. Very nice mander. I have been playing around with our blog for a while now, tell me what you think.

  3. Wow, almost everytime I check out this blog you've got something new up. Cool, I guess you weren't joking when you said things were going to get busy. Nice vid too.

  4. wow, that was a good vid for being so easy. Hows the puzzle coming?

  5. Thanks for the cool vid. Is T3CHH800 finally done with his section yet?

  6. Wow, I hadn't played that map and I must say the challenges are genuis! Its just too bad that I watched the vid before playing it...

  7. Still do the Mind Snare machinima if you can.

  8. Wow, that is quite a coincidence. It was just meant to be huh?

  9. Well just because we were happy with all the projects you were getting done doesn't mean you have to stop.
