What's up viewers? Happy holidays, I hope you guys are enjoying them as much as I am. And I obviously have been as I've been too busy to get a damn project on here. I've been putting in the hours at my job, even had to work on Christmas, which I spent at my parent's place with the whole massive Mervin family. Also got to go sledding and play some ice hockey at an arena. It's been awesome. For Christmas I got some great new games such as Call of Duty 5, Left 4 Dead, and Prince of Persia, alongside many other things including scuba gear for our Mexico trip, jeans, shirts, microsoft points, a watch, a belt, and even a box of Froot Loops cereal, my favourite.
Then on Boxing day I went out and purchased a new Samsung 32" flatscreen HD TV. It's awesome, and means that now videos will be much easier to make since I should beable to run the feed through my TV instead of having to run it directly into my computer as I had to before. I'm slowly making progress on the Mind Snare Machinima, but since it's so time consuming, I'm going to release my Mind Gouge Walkthrough before it, just so you guys got something to watch. I'll also have to redo my Work Space video since it got removed for a copyright violation (I used Enter Sandman and didn't give credit). It seems that Metallica is cracking down on the use of their songs on the net as one of Digitalph33r's movies was also removed for using one of their songs. It's not a big deal though, it won't be very hard to re-edit the video and upload it on my SavageShoreCreations account.
I hope that it was because I didn't give them credit that it was taken down, because if videos are violating copyright laws by having songs in them which haven't had their rights purchased, regardless of whether they're given credit or not, then half of the videos on Youtube will be removed. I know that this is the case for videos of which a profit is made from, but most Youtube videos are non-profitable, and so should be exempt. For more on this you can watch DigitalPh33r's Guide to Making Halo 3 Machinima : Part One, where I believe he touches on this subject in the second half of the video.
Anyways, I doubt that it'll be much of a problem, as my only other video that doesn't give credit for a song in it is my Recluse Mansion video which uses the song "Requem for a Dream". This video is also on my old account so the plus side of this will be that if "Recluse Mansion" gets removed too then I'll have all my videos under one account.
Happy Holidays, and keep an eye out for my Mind Gouge video, which will be released soon.
The official blog of SavageShore Creations. Here you will find updates about news in gaming, reliable reviews ranging from new game releases to a number of TV shows, videos which will primarily consist of machinimas, and maps and games that I've created in either Halo 3 or Halo: Reach. You will find that the majority of my work will be oriented around the Xbox 360 as that is the console of my choice. This site will also be serving as my online portfolio, so everything I post here will contribute to that, and I don't frankly care whether any of it gets views or not. For those who are tuning in for entertainment, I hope you enjoy what I have to offer.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
November Update
I'm aware that I haven't been updating this blog as much lately and there seems to be less viewers as a result. University is the main reason for the lack of action around here. But that doesn't mean that I have stopped making projects- I have a fair few currently planned that I'm excited about and anxious to complete. First off is my Mind Snare Machinima which is nearing completion and is likely to be done and uploaded either by the next update or the one after that. And here's a list of the other projects that you may be seeing soon (in order of appearance):
- Mind Gouge Walkthrough: A quick and standard walkthrough for my latest puzzle map. This type of video is easy to do so expect it soon after the Mind Snare Machinima.
- Chief's Journey Episode 1: I've got many great ideas for the pilot episode of this comedy series. It should be better received than UNOH's pilot episode since it doesn't require me doing any shitty accents.
- Infection Colliseum: Long have you heard about this map, long have I planned it, and long have my friends over Live bugged me about making it since I told them how it was going to work. Don't worry, it's coming soon. I just want to make sure that it's reached it's potential when it's released. It will revolutionize the Infection gametype.
- Vent Space: Yes I have planned a sequel to my hit infection map "Work Space". Work Space was only the third map I made so I am curious as to how well of a vent-themed infection map I can make now with more experience under my belt. A few ideas have welled up in my head and I'm anxious to translate them to the Forge. I was originally planning to call this one "Dead Space" but after I thought of it EA released word of their horror game with the same title. Who knows, maybe I'll still call it "Dead Space" as it will share the theme with the game of zombies coming out of the vents. The only thing is that people will think it's a rip-off when I actually thought of it first!
Also, I have become friends with the creator of Black Light Productions (makers of the "Phil" series on Machinima.com and Youtube), and would recommend for you guys to check out their work if you haven't already. They're pretty kickass so I've put a link to their blog on the side of mine under "Affiliates". Check it out.
And there you have it, some things to look forward to seeing on this blog in the near future (I hope to complete them all before the new year). Thanks for tuning in.
- Mind Gouge Walkthrough: A quick and standard walkthrough for my latest puzzle map. This type of video is easy to do so expect it soon after the Mind Snare Machinima.
- Chief's Journey Episode 1: I've got many great ideas for the pilot episode of this comedy series. It should be better received than UNOH's pilot episode since it doesn't require me doing any shitty accents.
- Infection Colliseum: Long have you heard about this map, long have I planned it, and long have my friends over Live bugged me about making it since I told them how it was going to work. Don't worry, it's coming soon. I just want to make sure that it's reached it's potential when it's released. It will revolutionize the Infection gametype.
- Vent Space: Yes I have planned a sequel to my hit infection map "Work Space". Work Space was only the third map I made so I am curious as to how well of a vent-themed infection map I can make now with more experience under my belt. A few ideas have welled up in my head and I'm anxious to translate them to the Forge. I was originally planning to call this one "Dead Space" but after I thought of it EA released word of their horror game with the same title. Who knows, maybe I'll still call it "Dead Space" as it will share the theme with the game of zombies coming out of the vents. The only thing is that people will think it's a rip-off when I actually thought of it first!
Also, I have become friends with the creator of Black Light Productions (makers of the "Phil" series on Machinima.com and Youtube), and would recommend for you guys to check out their work if you haven't already. They're pretty kickass so I've put a link to their blog on the side of mine under "Affiliates". Check it out.
And there you have it, some things to look forward to seeing on this blog in the near future (I hope to complete them all before the new year). Thanks for tuning in.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
What's New
Well, I've updated the last post with the hints to Mind Gouge so be sure to check them out. As you can see they took awhile because I decided to rhyme them so that they would sound a bit more clever. Whether they actually do or not, I have no idea.
Anyways, I'm starting to feel a little guilty for not releasing a new video to my subscribers for a long time. I'm getting about five new subscribers a week and have nothing new to give them. Hopefully this will help push me into finishing my Mind Snare Machinima (which should be pretty awesome). But honestly you guys got to cut me some slack as I'm full-time at the university here, working 30 hours a week at my job, enrolled in a Scuba Diving Course, and giving my girlfriend a fair amount of attention too. I really appreciate the support I get from you guys but just don't expect something new every week with me. I actually was planning on writing a review for Dead Space (the game I recently picked up) but I haven't found the time. Maybe I still will if I do but don't count on it. In the meantime I can give you a short summary of what it's about though.
It's an awesome horror game by EA, where you're a couple hundred years into the future and are investigating a distress signal sent out from the massive mining spaceship the Isshimora. The graphics and story are great and the gameplay is terrifying. Mutated corpses run through the ventilation system and sneak up behind you to tear your limbs off. Sometimes they also pretend to play dead and just as you walk by them they'll jump up and maul you. It's awesome. Also EA's incorporated a combat system called "Strategic Dismemberment" which basically works exactly how it sounds. You have to strategically dismember your enemies limb by bloody limb to stop them from killing you. You shoot off their heads- they just get pissed off, you shoot off their legs- they'll crawl to you. You basically have to take them completely apart and then finish them with a curb stop to survive. While there is a lot of blood and guts it's not an excessively gorey game, which is a good thing as I find games with too much gore aren't very realistic and sometimes just downright disturbing. Probably the most disturbing part about this game is the infected fetus corpses that attack you, and when they get too close your character is forced to grab them and boot them across the room. I never thought I'd play a game where you drop-kick a baby, but it's actually an extremely fun and scary game.
Check it out.
Anyways, I'm starting to feel a little guilty for not releasing a new video to my subscribers for a long time. I'm getting about five new subscribers a week and have nothing new to give them. Hopefully this will help push me into finishing my Mind Snare Machinima (which should be pretty awesome). But honestly you guys got to cut me some slack as I'm full-time at the university here, working 30 hours a week at my job, enrolled in a Scuba Diving Course, and giving my girlfriend a fair amount of attention too. I really appreciate the support I get from you guys but just don't expect something new every week with me. I actually was planning on writing a review for Dead Space (the game I recently picked up) but I haven't found the time. Maybe I still will if I do but don't count on it. In the meantime I can give you a short summary of what it's about though.
It's an awesome horror game by EA, where you're a couple hundred years into the future and are investigating a distress signal sent out from the massive mining spaceship the Isshimora. The graphics and story are great and the gameplay is terrifying. Mutated corpses run through the ventilation system and sneak up behind you to tear your limbs off. Sometimes they also pretend to play dead and just as you walk by them they'll jump up and maul you. It's awesome. Also EA's incorporated a combat system called "Strategic Dismemberment" which basically works exactly how it sounds. You have to strategically dismember your enemies limb by bloody limb to stop them from killing you. You shoot off their heads- they just get pissed off, you shoot off their legs- they'll crawl to you. You basically have to take them completely apart and then finish them with a curb stop to survive. While there is a lot of blood and guts it's not an excessively gorey game, which is a good thing as I find games with too much gore aren't very realistic and sometimes just downright disturbing. Probably the most disturbing part about this game is the infected fetus corpses that attack you, and when they get too close your character is forced to grab them and boot them across the room. I never thought I'd play a game where you drop-kick a baby, but it's actually an extremely fun and scary game.
Check it out.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Mind Gouge Complete
My latest and greatest puzzle map "Mind Gouge" is complete and ready to go. This map is HUGE and will push your logic to breaking point. It has been rigorously tested and is now 100% break proof. You will not find anything on this map that I'm not aware of and that will allow to skip any challenges. The hints are done for all 25 challenges (many of which include numerous sub-challenges) and if you get stuck there is a walkthrough available. So, without futher ado, here are the pictures and links to download it:
Download Mind Gouge Here
Download Cracked Skull Gametype Here
Mind Gouge Hints
Challenge 1- There would be much sense
in finding what shoots through fence.
Challenge 2- In order for you to complete this strife,
you need the guts to take a life.
Challenge 3- Walls, ceiling, and floor are to what you have come;
bother with the one that doesn’t hum.
Challenge 4- Make sure you’ve got everything with your ride,
before departing to the other side.
Challenge 5- Look where it might leak
to find what you seek.
Challenge 6- Three quick bangs, one big boom,
hit the ceiling to exit tomb.
Challenge 7- Slanted bridge, fence not touching floor, and high ledge all tease,
but the corner to inspect is none of these.
Challenge 8- Falling short, need more juice,
why not use that small brown goose?
Challenge 9- A variety in weapons is what you need,
but not to kill or make things bleed,
you need them to obtain what you lack
or to blow things up through a crack...
Challenge 10- Grab what has a long end
before you ascend.
Challenge 11- Under with sniper or over with shotgun,
barrels on teleporter- you need to unblock them.
Challenge 12- The regenerator heals when push comes to shove,
the cross next to it is a marker for what’s above.
Challenge 13- The blueish glow does not work,
a little green will fix this quirk.
Challenge 14- The equipment here is all you face,
use it to find a hidden place.
Challenge 15- Equipment-wise you’ve found the other,
now to get it from one location to another.
Challenge 16- The deed is done, you need a way out,
a variation of task 2, no doubt.
Challenge 17- Back to where you were before,
but now equipped with something more,
but instead of lifting yourself from the floor,
get something else to where it hasn’t been before.
Challenge 18- Now you can access a new room to walk,
and find new things to unblock.
Challenge 19- Solid repetition is the key
to get back to where you need to be.
Challenge 20- If you’ve succeeded with the previous case
then put what you have in the obvious place.
Challenge 21- Through the tunnel, up the ledge,
only look back when at the edge.
Challenge 22- This is a stunt you need to fail,
hitting bottom before you bail.
Challenge 23- Back to the monstrous Pit of Doom,
a Leap of Faith to cross the room.
Challenge 24- Here there is an escape plus an opportunity to open a new path,
but you’ll need a longer range weapon if you do the math.
Challenge 25- Once more a familiar trail of green and gray
but if the last challenge was done the right way,
then you’ll enter the final room,
but beware the impending doom.

Overview 1

Overview 2

Overview 3

Challenge 1

Challenge 2

First Lobby

Second Lobby

Challenge 8

Challenge 9

Challenge 10

Challenge 13

Grav Lift Room

Challenge 18

Tunnel Room

Pit of Doom

Challenge 24

Final Room
Download Mind Gouge Here
Download Cracked Skull Gametype Here
Mind Gouge Hints
Challenge 1- There would be much sense
in finding what shoots through fence.
Challenge 2- In order for you to complete this strife,
you need the guts to take a life.
Challenge 3- Walls, ceiling, and floor are to what you have come;
bother with the one that doesn’t hum.
Challenge 4- Make sure you’ve got everything with your ride,
before departing to the other side.
Challenge 5- Look where it might leak
to find what you seek.
Challenge 6- Three quick bangs, one big boom,
hit the ceiling to exit tomb.
Challenge 7- Slanted bridge, fence not touching floor, and high ledge all tease,
but the corner to inspect is none of these.
Challenge 8- Falling short, need more juice,
why not use that small brown goose?
Challenge 9- A variety in weapons is what you need,
but not to kill or make things bleed,
you need them to obtain what you lack
or to blow things up through a crack...
Challenge 10- Grab what has a long end
before you ascend.
Challenge 11- Under with sniper or over with shotgun,
barrels on teleporter- you need to unblock them.
Challenge 12- The regenerator heals when push comes to shove,
the cross next to it is a marker for what’s above.
Challenge 13- The blueish glow does not work,
a little green will fix this quirk.
Challenge 14- The equipment here is all you face,
use it to find a hidden place.
Challenge 15- Equipment-wise you’ve found the other,
now to get it from one location to another.
Challenge 16- The deed is done, you need a way out,
a variation of task 2, no doubt.
Challenge 17- Back to where you were before,
but now equipped with something more,
but instead of lifting yourself from the floor,
get something else to where it hasn’t been before.
Challenge 18- Now you can access a new room to walk,
and find new things to unblock.
Challenge 19- Solid repetition is the key
to get back to where you need to be.
Challenge 20- If you’ve succeeded with the previous case
then put what you have in the obvious place.
Challenge 21- Through the tunnel, up the ledge,
only look back when at the edge.
Challenge 22- This is a stunt you need to fail,
hitting bottom before you bail.
Challenge 23- Back to the monstrous Pit of Doom,
a Leap of Faith to cross the room.
Challenge 24- Here there is an escape plus an opportunity to open a new path,
but you’ll need a longer range weapon if you do the math.
Challenge 25- Once more a familiar trail of green and gray
but if the last challenge was done the right way,
then you’ll enter the final room,
but beware the impending doom.

Overview 1

Overview 2

Overview 3

Challenge 1

Challenge 2

First Lobby

Second Lobby

Challenge 8

Challenge 9

Challenge 10

Challenge 13

Grav Lift Room

Challenge 18

Tunnel Room

Pit of Doom

Challenge 24

Final Room
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Good News
Okay, there was bad news, and no new projects for a while there, so now it's about time there was some good news. Actually, to be truthful, there's both good news, and better news.
The good news is that I got my computer back, and it's working well. I just need to re-install some programs, then I'll be back making machinimas.
The better news is that I have completed yet another Halo 3 map - "Mind Gouge". Mind Gouge (yes, I renamed it) is the third and final installment of my "Mind" series of puzzle maps. And yeah, I did say final- by the time I feel like making another puzzle map and coming up with all the ideas and planning it all out, Bungie will have probably come out with a new game. But don't fret because this one is really good. The length alone is about equal to Mind Trap and Mind Snare put together and then some. It's just going through the testing process right now (again by BuddhaCrane), and by the next post it will be complete. I'll take some screenshots of it, throw it up on Bungie.net, and post the link and description here. I hope you'll enjoy it and if you find it too hard or get stuck, you can always ask for assistance over xbox live and I can message you back or even show you through the map if I have time. If you don't already know, my gamertag's mander A1.
Thanks for your patience
The good news is that I got my computer back, and it's working well. I just need to re-install some programs, then I'll be back making machinimas.
The better news is that I have completed yet another Halo 3 map - "Mind Gouge". Mind Gouge (yes, I renamed it) is the third and final installment of my "Mind" series of puzzle maps. And yeah, I did say final- by the time I feel like making another puzzle map and coming up with all the ideas and planning it all out, Bungie will have probably come out with a new game. But don't fret because this one is really good. The length alone is about equal to Mind Trap and Mind Snare put together and then some. It's just going through the testing process right now (again by BuddhaCrane), and by the next post it will be complete. I'll take some screenshots of it, throw it up on Bungie.net, and post the link and description here. I hope you'll enjoy it and if you find it too hard or get stuck, you can always ask for assistance over xbox live and I can message you back or even show you through the map if I have time. If you don't already know, my gamertag's mander A1.
Thanks for your patience
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Bad News
It's not really bad news, just bad news. As you may have noticed I haven't shown any signs of life on here for nearly a month. Well, this is due to a number of things- the main one being that my laptop crashed and has been sent in for repairs. It will be back in 2 weeks (I am writing this post form a computer at my university). Also, school has started up, I'm still working 30 hours a week, and I'm legal drinking age now, so I am busy as hell these days. But this doesn't mean that I'll stop making projects; I will continue work on them whenever I have time and will post them on this blog when done as usual. It's just that they won't come out as nearly as often. The order of projects to be completed has not changed. So just check up on the blog every once in a while to see if I've released anything to entertain you. I'd also like to note that the recent lack of projects has nothing to do with my girlfriend. Thanks
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Reason for delay in projects
Yeah, there really isn't much of one...
I haven't released anything lately for you guys just because I've been extremely busy lately. University's about to start up again, so I'm preparing for that- buying supplies, organizing a schedule, making payments, buying deoderant, etc. I'm also trying to make the most out of last few weeks of summer by going camping with my girlfriend whenever possible. On top of that- I'm just finishing a 50 hour work week and my birthdays coming up on the 30th of this month (drinking age at last).
I've been working on scripts whenever I get a chance but I still have quite a bit of progress to make on the Mind Snare Movie before it's finished. I'm actually pretty glad that you guys chose for a map to be done after Chief's Journey- I think that it'll be a bit of a break for me. As those of you who know me from xbox live know- I haven't been on it much lately.
And so, since I have failed in entertaining you this week- I decided to atleast provide you with a small something for staying tuned to my blog, a list of links to some of my favourite YouTube videos. Enjoy, and don't harp on me too hard for being a lazy jerk.
Barack Roll
Dark Knight Spoof
Little Kid talking Trash on Halo 3
Great Moments in Presidential Speeches
A Day in the Life of Bo Burnham
My Better Half
Big Wave Surfing
Dear Penis
Banned Commercial
Creepy Spider
The Cake
I haven't released anything lately for you guys just because I've been extremely busy lately. University's about to start up again, so I'm preparing for that- buying supplies, organizing a schedule, making payments, buying deoderant, etc. I'm also trying to make the most out of last few weeks of summer by going camping with my girlfriend whenever possible. On top of that- I'm just finishing a 50 hour work week and my birthdays coming up on the 30th of this month (drinking age at last).
I've been working on scripts whenever I get a chance but I still have quite a bit of progress to make on the Mind Snare Movie before it's finished. I'm actually pretty glad that you guys chose for a map to be done after Chief's Journey- I think that it'll be a bit of a break for me. As those of you who know me from xbox live know- I haven't been on it much lately.
And so, since I have failed in entertaining you this week- I decided to atleast provide you with a small something for staying tuned to my blog, a list of links to some of my favourite YouTube videos. Enjoy, and don't harp on me too hard for being a lazy jerk.
Barack Roll
Dark Knight Spoof
Little Kid talking Trash on Halo 3
Great Moments in Presidential Speeches
A Day in the Life of Bo Burnham
My Better Half
Big Wave Surfing
Dear Penis
Banned Commercial
Creepy Spider
The Cake
Saturday, August 16, 2008
I'm Back
Yeah I'm back from a trip that I took on my week off (got it off work too). Right now I'm working on finishing the script for my Mind Snare Machinima. After that I will release the pilot episode to my oher planned series "Chief's Journey". Since I wasn't sure what project I should do after that I let you guys decide and based off your feedback I have decided to make the puzzle map "Mind Ruse" next. Following "Mind Ruse" will likely be "UNOH episode 2" as that was also popular in the feedback. Thanks for the help and keep an eye out for my projects, etc. Also, if I ever find some free time, I may just host a custom games night, announced here on the blog.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Mervin Update
Well, I'm glad that you all seem to like my machinima a lot. I'm quite happy with it myself. As you may have noticed, the Machinima.com link to it hasn't been added yet. That is because I'm having troubles uploading on their site. Either their site is experiencing technical difficulties or I am but I'm pretty sure it's their site. Once I get my video on there, they'll hopefully put it on YouTube and get it some attention. I would also appreciate it if you guys would help spread the word as it would help to motivate me in making more of these more often.
In other news, I am taking a week off. UNOH episode 1 was a bitch to make, and now I just want to have some time to relax and hangout with my gf. I am currently working on the script for my Mind Snare Machinima which will both be a video walkthrough for my map and a machinima rolled into one. It will contain some action, some comedy and some more action. Next I will release the first episode to my planned machinima series called "Chief's Journey" which will be filmed in campaign. After that, I'm not sure what will be next. There are a few possibilties:
-My map Infection Colliseum
-The pilot episode to my action series
-Another puzzle map for the "Mind" series- "Mind Ruse"
-UNOH episode 2
Tell me in the comments which one of these you'd like to see next and I'll choose what seems to be the most popular decsion.
In other news, I am taking a week off. UNOH episode 1 was a bitch to make, and now I just want to have some time to relax and hangout with my gf. I am currently working on the script for my Mind Snare Machinima which will both be a video walkthrough for my map and a machinima rolled into one. It will contain some action, some comedy and some more action. Next I will release the first episode to my planned machinima series called "Chief's Journey" which will be filmed in campaign. After that, I'm not sure what will be next. There are a few possibilties:
-My map Infection Colliseum
-The pilot episode to my action series
-Another puzzle map for the "Mind" series- "Mind Ruse"
-UNOH episode 2
Tell me in the comments which one of these you'd like to see next and I'll choose what seems to be the most popular decsion.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Whoops- UNOH Pilot
Okay so it's the 29th - the last day for submitting entries for the Next Gen Machinima contest. Contest closes at 12:00pm that night. I was up late the night before working on my machinima and up early that morning. Production is fast, the machinima is practically done. My girlfriend and I go see the 3:45pm Dark Knight show at the movie theatre (great movie btw), since I'm sure the machinima will be complete within another 2 hours. Dark Knight turns out to be a little longer than I expected, I get home around 7:30pm. My computer is running slow as shit from being on all day. Our internet temporarily goes down. I decide to publish a rushed version of the machinima to make sure that I get it in on time. 11:00pm - I'm done and still have a whole hour ahead of me- whew, that was a close call. I hit the publish button to save the movie as a file (this normally takes 10-15 minutes), then I will upload it to Machinima.com as a contest entry (another 10-15 minutes). My girlfriend and I watch Supernatural to pass the time. My computer has other plans. It's 11:50pm and the damn thing isn't done saving the file. I stress a little. 11:59 - the file is saved. I go on to machinima.com to upload it and watch with my own two eyes the "Submit" link disappear. :(
Ah well, no use crying over spilt milk. I will upload a final version to Youtube and Machinima in the near future so keep a close eye on the blog as that's probably going to happen today. Actually sure, I'll put the link at the bottom of this post and update when the machinima is ready. Enjoy- I'm very happy with the way it turned out.
Ah well, no use crying over spilt milk. I will upload a final version to Youtube and Machinima in the near future so keep a close eye on the blog as that's probably going to happen today. Actually sure, I'll put the link at the bottom of this post and update when the machinima is ready. Enjoy- I'm very happy with the way it turned out.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
News and More
Alright, so the first episode of my major machinima series, and entry to Machinima.com's contest is currently in production. The script is golden, and I believe that this one will really take off. My other videos and my "Parenting Tactics" machinima were mere warm ups in preparation for this. I don't think I can emphasis enough that this is going to be a must-watch.
Anyways, on a lighter note- I've made a quick vid to keep you guys occupied in the meantime. This video, titled "Worst Doubles Partner", is a collaboration of clips explaining why my friend is the worst Halo 3 Team Doubles partner there is. So basically it's a minitage of some noob mistakes he's done while in my presence. Enjoy, and I hope you get a kick out of it.
Worst Doubles Partner
Anyways, on a lighter note- I've made a quick vid to keep you guys occupied in the meantime. This video, titled "Worst Doubles Partner", is a collaboration of clips explaining why my friend is the worst Halo 3 Team Doubles partner there is. So basically it's a minitage of some noob mistakes he's done while in my presence. Enjoy, and I hope you get a kick out of it.
Worst Doubles Partner
Monday, July 14, 2008
Get This
While browsing Youtube I found that somebody made a video walkthrough of my map Mind Snare. I was pretty shocked as they had not asked my permission or even told me about it. But I wasn't sure whether I should be angry or just flattered as it is actually a pretty good video. They give a step by step tutorial of how to beat my map using more than one person (They didn't figure out how to do it alone).
They messaged me later though, and their intention was clearly honest so instead of being a jerk and telling them off for making it, I will provide a link here so that you all can see it.
Halo3 Mindsnare Walk through
Please note that this is not the proper way to beat the map. They created a few shortcuts by taking advantage of playing the map with more than one person. The map is beatable by one person, as will be shown in my machinimated walkthrough of the map (coming soon).
They messaged me later though, and their intention was clearly honest so instead of being a jerk and telling them off for making it, I will provide a link here so that you all can see it.
Halo3 Mindsnare Walk through
Please note that this is not the proper way to beat the map. They created a few shortcuts by taking advantage of playing the map with more than one person. The map is beatable by one person, as will be shown in my machinimated walkthrough of the map (coming soon).
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Yee Man's Video
Well I fininshed my friends video and threw it up on Youtube. In exchange he has kindly given me a lv 50 account which I can use for my machinimas. So now that is out of the way and I can begin work on the pilot episode for my main series. I want to make sure it's perfect before I enter it into that contest so I know that I did my best and have no regrets.
So if your interested heres the video I made for Yee Man:
Yee Man - Puzzle Legend
(He came up with the title and I got a kick out of it)
So if your interested heres the video I made for Yee Man:
Yee Man - Puzzle Legend
(He came up with the title and I got a kick out of it)
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Well I finished my montage and it's up on Youtube. I'm now starting Yeeman's video for him in exchange for a level 50 account. The video should be done within the next couple of days hopefully, and then I will start on my machinima for the $5000 contest.
Mander's Massacre Montage
Mander's Massacre Montage
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Important Update
Okay so here's the deal: Machinima.com is having a contest where you submit a machinima and the best one picked either by jurors or the audience can win up to $5000 US. I am completely eligible for this contest being over 18 and all so I am entering it. Because I want to see the 5 grand under my name I am entering my best material. That means that since the last day for entries is July 29th I will have to post-pone previously mentioned projects for this. This is not bad news, becuase instead you will get the pilot episode for my main planned series "United Nations of Halo". This comedy has the best of my ideas worked into it and is my best chance of winning the contest.
There is something else though. In order to produce this ultimate machinima, I require more than one character on a local network to have a large amount of armour perms to be unlocked. Which means I need another account since I don't have the time to create another one myself and unlock all the achievements again. It just so happens that I have a friend who is willing to give me a level 50 account if, in return, I make him a movie about him and his maps. So we made a deal and thats how it's going to happen.
So some projects are being post-poned while others are jumping ahead. To avoid any confusion here is the new list of which order the projects will appear in:
1. My montage (it is all captured and ready to go so expect it very soon)
2. Yeeman's video of his puzzle maps.
3. United Nations of Halo - Pilot Episode
4. Mind Snare Machinima
Also there are a few projects that I might fit in between the above list if I find the time:
- "Worst Doubles Partner Ever": A short comical video of numerous mishaps I've experienced in the 'Team Doubles' playlist with a certain friend.
- "Chief's Journey": This is another one of the major series I have planned, so if there is time I will also make this to submit into the contest to help improve my chances(Multiple entries are allowed).
- "Infection Colliseum": This is map that I've had planned for a long time and am very enthusiastic about making. This will most likely come after the 'Mind Snare Machinima'.
And that pretty much wraps it up. Remember: Two wrongs don't make a right, and two rights make a u-turn. That's my quality advice for the day.
There is something else though. In order to produce this ultimate machinima, I require more than one character on a local network to have a large amount of armour perms to be unlocked. Which means I need another account since I don't have the time to create another one myself and unlock all the achievements again. It just so happens that I have a friend who is willing to give me a level 50 account if, in return, I make him a movie about him and his maps. So we made a deal and thats how it's going to happen.
So some projects are being post-poned while others are jumping ahead. To avoid any confusion here is the new list of which order the projects will appear in:
1. My montage (it is all captured and ready to go so expect it very soon)
2. Yeeman's video of his puzzle maps.
3. United Nations of Halo - Pilot Episode
4. Mind Snare Machinima
Also there are a few projects that I might fit in between the above list if I find the time:
- "Worst Doubles Partner Ever": A short comical video of numerous mishaps I've experienced in the 'Team Doubles' playlist with a certain friend.
- "Chief's Journey": This is another one of the major series I have planned, so if there is time I will also make this to submit into the contest to help improve my chances(Multiple entries are allowed).
- "Infection Colliseum": This is map that I've had planned for a long time and am very enthusiastic about making. This will most likely come after the 'Mind Snare Machinima'.
And that pretty much wraps it up. Remember: Two wrongs don't make a right, and two rights make a u-turn. That's my quality advice for the day.
Friday, June 27, 2008
New Look
Once again I have switched the blog look up a lttle. Everybody with this template has a black background so I decided to change it to this new colour which I find a little sharper. It's not that I'm racist or anything, I like the colour black fine, it's just that I would like this blog to stand out a little if you know what I mean. Tell me what you think.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Well, my first machinima is up and running. Yes it did take a while so I hope you enjoy it. As I said before this one has a darker humour to it. This is a one-time machinima and not a series. My series will contain a much lighter humour. My next project is either going to be a machinima-walkthrough of Mind Snare or a montage. I'll decide soon and update you guys on it.
Links to video
I give this video a 14a rating...
Links to video
I give this video a 14a rating...
Friday, June 13, 2008
Obvious Announcement
Well, I thinks that it's pretty clear that there's been a delay in my machinima. These things are harder to make than I thought. With videos that show maps there is no script involved, scenes don't have to be perfected or even in order, dialogue is pretty much non existant, and timing the audio with the visual is much more lax, so in comparison machinimas require a much greater effort. I want my machinima to be one of quality not like any of those hundreds of shitty 10 minute halo vids plaging YouTube (and by 10 minutes I don't mean the length, but the amount of time involved to make them). So while I'm making this one I am also coming up with tactics to speed the process up for future reference. Unless something major goes wrong, this machinima will definately be out by Monday. So far it's turning really well, so I hope you have a slightly sadistic sense of humour so you can really enjoy this one.
In the meantime you can check out a friend of mine's blog Laser3d Productions. It's just started and was partly inspired by my blog :)
That means that it's all about any maps, games, and machinimas that members of its group produce. On top of that they've also started a clan with a ranking system so if you're into that then it's definately worth a view. Check it out.
In the meantime you can check out a friend of mine's blog Laser3d Productions. It's just started and was partly inspired by my blog :)
That means that it's all about any maps, games, and machinimas that members of its group produce. On top of that they've also started a clan with a ranking system so if you're into that then it's definately worth a view. Check it out.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Well, I have started work on my first machinima (a movie made using a video game). This one will take longer than my other videos because it actually requires a script. Then there's recording voices, and acting it out to precision, and editing is a lot harder too. But so far I'm making good progress on it and it should be up by the end of the week. Actually it might be after that as I'm going to the lake at the end of this week. I really should set a day of the week for my projects to be released, and probably will eventually, but for now- they're done when they're done.
Parenting Tactics in Halo will be a comedy and a one-time thing (there is a slight possibility of a part 2 though, it depends on how well it does).
After that I have three series planned: United Nations of Halo, Return of the Flood, and Chief's Journey. But the project after this machinima is most likely going to be the video walkthrough of my latest and greatest map- Mind Snare.
So that's what's new and just as a bonus for tuning into my site here are some awesome maps and games that have earned themselves a permanent spot on my hard drive:
Station 69 = This is the best Cops & Robbers map I have ever played. My version is called "Prison" but when I found it on B.net, it was under the name "Station 69". Instead of spawning in a city and going to jail for misbehaving, the robbers spawn in a large jail facility and have to find a way to escape. The facility is two floors and is complete with a cafeteria, solitary, and restrooms. Outside the facility is the coolest town you will ever lay eyes on. If you like Cops & Robbers then you need this map. Author unknown.
Tremor Valley = This is a great game for a more mature crowd. The point of this game is to get to the enemy base, retrieve their flag, and bring it back to your base. But it's not that simple. You have to try to stay off the ground because the enemy team is in choppers and will splatter you if your not on an object. It's very well designed as splatters are the only way to kill someone, and so the games are extremely exciting as you try to jump from rock to rock without being mowed down. By TrueDarkFusion.
Duel of the Fates = Ever seen Star Wars Episode 1? Remember that lightsaber fight between Obi-wan, his master, and Darth Maul? Relive that epic duel in this flawless map! Whenever you have a party of 3 (happens to me often), you can play this map with the gametype "2 vs 1 Saberduel" and have the time of your life. There is also a way for Darth Maul to seperate the jedi just like in the movie. Seriously, not once have I heard a complaint about this map. By Shock Theta and Insane54.
Distortion v1.3 = This map defies gravity!. Check it out- your mind will be boggled with the insane design of this map. It is prepared for all gametypes, so enjoy playing Halo 3 in a twisted reality. By BuddhaCrane.
Boarding Action = The remake of the Halo CE map that is better than the original. This unique and awesome map takes place outside of Construct and is great for sniping and capture the flag. By oriol003 and Seargent CJ.
And trust me, if these maps have earned a permanent residence in my constantly changing and nearly-at-the-limit 100 custom content then they're worth a view.
Parenting Tactics in Halo will be a comedy and a one-time thing (there is a slight possibility of a part 2 though, it depends on how well it does).
After that I have three series planned: United Nations of Halo, Return of the Flood, and Chief's Journey. But the project after this machinima is most likely going to be the video walkthrough of my latest and greatest map- Mind Snare.
So that's what's new and just as a bonus for tuning into my site here are some awesome maps and games that have earned themselves a permanent spot on my hard drive:
Station 69 = This is the best Cops & Robbers map I have ever played. My version is called "Prison" but when I found it on B.net, it was under the name "Station 69". Instead of spawning in a city and going to jail for misbehaving, the robbers spawn in a large jail facility and have to find a way to escape. The facility is two floors and is complete with a cafeteria, solitary, and restrooms. Outside the facility is the coolest town you will ever lay eyes on. If you like Cops & Robbers then you need this map. Author unknown.
Tremor Valley = This is a great game for a more mature crowd. The point of this game is to get to the enemy base, retrieve their flag, and bring it back to your base. But it's not that simple. You have to try to stay off the ground because the enemy team is in choppers and will splatter you if your not on an object. It's very well designed as splatters are the only way to kill someone, and so the games are extremely exciting as you try to jump from rock to rock without being mowed down. By TrueDarkFusion.
Duel of the Fates = Ever seen Star Wars Episode 1? Remember that lightsaber fight between Obi-wan, his master, and Darth Maul? Relive that epic duel in this flawless map! Whenever you have a party of 3 (happens to me often), you can play this map with the gametype "2 vs 1 Saberduel" and have the time of your life. There is also a way for Darth Maul to seperate the jedi just like in the movie. Seriously, not once have I heard a complaint about this map. By Shock Theta and Insane54.
Distortion v1.3 = This map defies gravity!. Check it out- your mind will be boggled with the insane design of this map. It is prepared for all gametypes, so enjoy playing Halo 3 in a twisted reality. By BuddhaCrane.
Boarding Action = The remake of the Halo CE map that is better than the original. This unique and awesome map takes place outside of Construct and is great for sniping and capture the flag. By oriol003 and Seargent CJ.
And trust me, if these maps have earned a permanent residence in my constantly changing and nearly-at-the-limit 100 custom content then they're worth a view.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Updated as Promised
Well I got the Mind Trap walkthrough finished and up on YouTube. If you want to figure this map out on your own then you probably shouldn't watch it. Otherwise than that go for it. I also made some changes around the site.. I updated the video bar with new machinmas that I like, added a section to the sidebar for my videos and mchinimas, and a few other random things. That's it for now, enjoy and tell me what you think of the vid!
Mind Trap Walkthrough
Mind Trap Walkthrough
Thursday, May 29, 2008
New Video
As promised I have finished another project, this one is the Recluse Mansion Video. Now I had actually completed this one a few days ago but I have been busy working, grocery shopping, visiting the family, drinking with friends, watching movies with European female roomates *giggity*, and other things that I didn't get around to putting it on my blog until today. I'm actually going to be releasing the Mind Trap walkthrough very soon too. So here it is and enjoy.
Recluse Mansion Video
Recluse Mansion Video
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Im sorry, so here you go
Yes, I guess I haven't lived up to my promise yet of a project a week but it's more complicated than that. It's not like I haven't been working on projects (I have), it's just that I've ether had difficulties completing them or publishing them on the web for you. Take my newest map Mind Snare for example, I've been working on it for close to a month now, but I haven't released it due to 2 reasons. One was that I needed it to go through rigorous testing to make sure that it was 100% ready when I first publish it. This includes getting the breakmaster BuddhaCrane (creator of such impossible puzzle maps as Carnation, Earth, and TERRORtories) to rigorously test it for me.
The other thing was that I wanted to time it's release with the release of the Indiana Jones movie to help spike its downloads as it is an Indy-themed map. I'll get back to that one in a bit.
I also had troubles finding a safe way to download music for my videos, and since I'm not eligible for a visa this proved a big problem for me. But I have found a way past it now so that complication is in the past. So once I had the music I made a great video of Recluse Mansion. Yes, it's all done now, but when I tried to upload it to YouTube, it would just stay on the loading screen and wouldn't change. And don't tell me that I just need to wait longer- I read the info and it said it should just take a few minutes, 15 tops. I waited 6 hours! (I didn't actually just sit there waiting, I did other things, but still 6 hours and it still didn't load!). Plus when it's in that process of uploading it slows the shit out of my internet connection so I can't play live. So I'm currently working on a way past that now.
But as you may have noticed, I said that I was waiting to time Mind Snare with Indiana Jones, and the new Indy is now out. Also there was a large amount of discrete past tense used in my explaination of Mind Snare. So what does this mean? It means that Mind Snare is indeed finished.
After a month of dreaming up new and interesting challenges, putting them together in forge, constructing, tweaking, and redoing,plus massive amounts of tests including ones done by none other than BuddhaCrane this map is thebest thing I have ever produced in forge. I can say that without a doubt. Also everybody who has played this map has proclaimed their undying love for it and downloaded it to quench their thirst for a satisfying puzzle map. This map is the ultimate. So enough blabber let's cut to the chase.
Mind Snare is a challenging puzzle map. It is more difficult than its predecessor map, Mind Trap, but it still follows my theme of not being rediculously hard either. There are no really hard jumps or moves incorporated into this map- it is passable by any Halo player with mediocre skill. But the challenges are difficult and require some good problem solving skills. Also many challenges are dangerous and deadly, keeping the game a thrill. Here are some pics of the map that gave me countless headaches.
So there you are, if you want more details about the map and game follow the link to Mind Snare that will now be located on the side of my blog under "My maps and games".
Also to reward your patience, I will have multiple projects come out in the next week or so, which includes the Recluse Mansion video, and a Mind Trap Walkthrough. The project after that will be my first machinima "Parenting Tactics in Halo 3" which will be a comedy and probably not a series.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Major Update
I have some good news- I will now produce a new project every week whether it be a machinima, map, or a video showing a map or something else. This is because I have moved out of my parent's house and into one with a couple of roomates. My parents were extremely strict with Xbox time (hardly would stand it at all) so now that I am free of their grasp I will beable to keep up with a new project every week. But give me until at least next week to start this as I have fallen a little behind with the whole moving thing.
I also need to find a way to get free (or close to it) songs of the net without being at extreme risk of getting a virus. I was going to get the limewire package where you pay $50 and then get free unlimited downloads for a lifetime which are gauranteed virus free, but you need a Visa for that one and since I do not own one and my parents do not want to use theirs for it, I'm unable to go that route. So if you have any suggestions for the best way to accomplish this please do give them.
And here's a list of my planned projects for the next hundred weeks or so...:
1) Mind Snare (the sequel puzzle map to my successful Mind Trap)
2) Recluse Mansion Video
3) Secret Avalanche Map
4) Infection Colliseum (map)
5) Parenting Tactics in Halo (machinima)
6) Mind Trap Walkthrough Video
7) Return of the Flood: Episode 1(machinima)
8) Infection Colliseum Video
9) Avalanche map Video
10) United Nations of Halo: Episode 1(machinima)
11) Reaper Street (map)*
12) Corridors (map)*
13) Mind Snare Walkthrough Video
A couple things to note on that baker's dozen project list:
1) They are in no particular order and will not neccessarily be released in that sequence.
2) Mind Snare is not likely to be the first one released as I only work on it whenever I come up with a new idea for a clever puzzle.
3) The projects with stars next to their names are not gauranteed.
4) I've been receiving a large amount of requests to join other's forge groups lately. While I appreciate the offers don't expect me to accept them as I prefer to work alone. So just to rephrase: I will not accept any offers to join a forge group.
5) The same is true for friend requests. I got 15 random friend requests that I had to go through and delete the last time I signed in to xbox live. I don't really understand why as I haven't really done much besides my maps- I don't want to know what it'll be like when I start releasing machinimas. I won't accept random friend requests- if it's regarding one of my maps such as Mind Trap and you want me to show you around it then atleast send me a voice message saying so and I might do it. Just don't expect me to keep you on my friends list after as it's nearly at its limit (that's not saying that I won't though).
6) As for help with machinimas, that's a maybe. It is going to be hard for me to do scenes with multiple characters even though I have four controllers. I can only move two at a time and even then it is slightly sloppy. But please only offer when I request for assistance (I will do so on this blog) or I just won't consider it.
I also need to find a way to get free (or close to it) songs of the net without being at extreme risk of getting a virus. I was going to get the limewire package where you pay $50 and then get free unlimited downloads for a lifetime which are gauranteed virus free, but you need a Visa for that one and since I do not own one and my parents do not want to use theirs for it, I'm unable to go that route. So if you have any suggestions for the best way to accomplish this please do give them.
And here's a list of my planned projects for the next hundred weeks or so...:
1) Mind Snare (the sequel puzzle map to my successful Mind Trap)
2) Recluse Mansion Video
3) Secret Avalanche Map
4) Infection Colliseum (map)
5) Parenting Tactics in Halo (machinima)
6) Mind Trap Walkthrough Video
7) Return of the Flood: Episode 1(machinima)
8) Infection Colliseum Video
9) Avalanche map Video
10) United Nations of Halo: Episode 1(machinima)
11) Reaper Street (map)*
12) Corridors (map)*
13) Mind Snare Walkthrough Video
A couple things to note on that baker's dozen project list:
1) They are in no particular order and will not neccessarily be released in that sequence.
2) Mind Snare is not likely to be the first one released as I only work on it whenever I come up with a new idea for a clever puzzle.
3) The projects with stars next to their names are not gauranteed.
4) I've been receiving a large amount of requests to join other's forge groups lately. While I appreciate the offers don't expect me to accept them as I prefer to work alone. So just to rephrase: I will not accept any offers to join a forge group.
5) The same is true for friend requests. I got 15 random friend requests that I had to go through and delete the last time I signed in to xbox live. I don't really understand why as I haven't really done much besides my maps- I don't want to know what it'll be like when I start releasing machinimas. I won't accept random friend requests- if it's regarding one of my maps such as Mind Trap and you want me to show you around it then atleast send me a voice message saying so and I might do it. Just don't expect me to keep you on my friends list after as it's nearly at its limit (that's not saying that I won't though).
6) As for help with machinimas, that's a maybe. It is going to be hard for me to do scenes with multiple characters even though I have four controllers. I can only move two at a time and even then it is slightly sloppy. But please only offer when I request for assistance (I will do so on this blog) or I just won't consider it.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
First video is up!
I have completed my video of my map Work Space and it is available on Youtube now. Just follow this link: Work Space on Youtube.
Just a couple more things to announce:
1) The next video I will release will be of my map Recluse Mansion.
2) I am very busy for the next two weeks so don't expect anything more than that for that time period except maybe my Call of Duty 4 review.
3) For me machinimas come first so I will really cut back on my map-making. I will only make maps if I both feel like it and find time between making machinimas. I will release Infection Colliseum and that map on Avalanche that I previously mentioned no matter what. As for Reaper Street and Corridors- they are not so important to me so I will only do them if I feel like it. Don't bitch it's for the greater good.
4) I have a few machinima scripts complete so after my 2 weeks of busyness (40-50 hrs a week @ work) I will get to work on them straight away and release one within days.
And that about does it. I hope you enjoy my work and tell everybody you can about this site.
Haha, thanks - Mander.
Just a couple more things to announce:
1) The next video I will release will be of my map Recluse Mansion.
2) I am very busy for the next two weeks so don't expect anything more than that for that time period except maybe my Call of Duty 4 review.
3) For me machinimas come first so I will really cut back on my map-making. I will only make maps if I both feel like it and find time between making machinimas. I will release Infection Colliseum and that map on Avalanche that I previously mentioned no matter what. As for Reaper Street and Corridors- they are not so important to me so I will only do them if I feel like it. Don't bitch it's for the greater good.
4) I have a few machinima scripts complete so after my 2 weeks of busyness (40-50 hrs a week @ work) I will get to work on them straight away and release one within days.
And that about does it. I hope you enjoy my work and tell everybody you can about this site.
Haha, thanks - Mander.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Legendary Review
Oh look at that- I did find some time. So here it is: my review of the Halo 3 Legendary Map Pack.
Ghost Town: This map was the only actual "new" map in the pack as it's not a reimagination or remake of any previous Halo maps. Was it worth a third of 10 bucks? Hell yes. When I first played it on my own in custom games the first word out of my mouth was "wow" and that's how I would still describe the map. It looks and plays like a dream. It is a medium sized map around the size of isolation but much more detailed and structured. It is a very assymetrical map and plays a lot like Halo 2's Turf. The over-grown and crumbling buildings that this map features make it just stunning to look at. The outside ledges, high bridges, pen pipe structures and lush jungle make this a great map to play. I would surely put it in my top ten Halo 3 maps. Forge-wise this map is not the best. Bungie made it as good it could possible be to forge on with all the awesome objects they made for it but just the fact that the map contains so much of its own unchangeable design without any large open areas makes it a weak forge. I believe the only decent maps that could be created on this would be a racing one or possibly an infection one but any other variants would play pretty much the exact same way as the default Ghost Town does.
And so because it has great graphics and gameplay but not great forging, I give Ghost Town a 8.5/10
Blackout: Well this was the remake of Lockout that everyone wanted so badly. And although Bungie changed up a few jumps and the theme of the place it doesn't fail its former self. Not only does it play like Lockout (very well indeed) but it also looks amazing now too. Bungie set this map in the antartic at the edge of an ice-sheet as scientific weather station. The station itself looks awesome with frost-bitten walk-ways, glacier core samples, and other interesting gadgets and gizmos. Not to mention that it all takes place in the dark of nigh which gives the map an extremely unique feel. Plus Bungie threw the Aurora Borealis in the sky for a final effect to complete the experience. When you play this map and hear your footsteps clanking on the frozen metal and the sound of a discrete freezing wind passing by, you actually feel the chilling effect of the place as it immerses you into its presence. If you actually look back at Lockout you'll see how incredibly plain it seems in comparrison to its newer version. Forge-wise Blackout is one of the better maps on Halo 3. The numerous ramps and walk-ways make for great race-track possibilities, the doors can really change up the map, and the large areas of open space above, below and around the main structure make for a bunch of other possibilities. For all the above greatness mentioned I give Blackout a 9/10 (it is a remake).
Avalanche: This is an absolutely awesome map. I loved Sidewinder but this map absolutely blows that one out of the water. The massive mancannons allow for infinite fun launching warthogs and other vehicles into the enemy's base. The covenant versus human layout is also an extremely cool feature to include. I never get bored of playing this map- 5, 6, 7 times in a row on DLC team objective and I'm still wishing for it to be selected. The snow-covered trees, ice patches, and frosty structures make this map breath-taking (just as I imagine the climate would if it were real). The forging on this map is 5-star next to foundry. The open space and man-cannon cave give a great amount of room for imaginations to run wild. This map is more of a reimagination of Sidewinder than it is a remake since it has changed dramatically with the mancannons, and caves and such resulting in much more enjoyable gameplay and so that's my excuse for giving it a 10/10.
Now I know I've been pretty decent to the map pack but that's honestly because I love each of the maps excessively. And I'm not like that with all the maps as I detest Stand-Off and dislike Rat's Nest. Foundry wouldn't be very great either if it weren't for its astounding forge play. So there is my 27.5/30 total for the truly legendary Legendary Map Pack.
And just for kicks heres a few of my top ten lists:
Top Ten Halo maps through out the series: (game-play wise)
1. Relic
2. Headlong
3. Avalanche
4. Ascension
5. Blackout
6. The Pit
7. Turf
8. Epitaph
9. Ghost Town
10. Last Resort
Close calls= Guardian, Naorrows, & Coagulation.
(yes I know there are no Halo 1 maps- that's because all my favourite ones of those have been remade better i.e. Blood Gulch and Sidewinder)
Top Five Forge Maps:
1. Foundry
2. Avalanche
3. Blackout
4. Standoff
5. Last Resort
Top Five Least Favourite Halo 3 Maps (gameplay-wise)
1. Isolation
2. Standoff
3. Rat's Nest
4. High Ground (unless it's snipers)
5. Foundry
And that's it - feel free to post your top tens in your comments.
Ghost Town: This map was the only actual "new" map in the pack as it's not a reimagination or remake of any previous Halo maps. Was it worth a third of 10 bucks? Hell yes. When I first played it on my own in custom games the first word out of my mouth was "wow" and that's how I would still describe the map. It looks and plays like a dream. It is a medium sized map around the size of isolation but much more detailed and structured. It is a very assymetrical map and plays a lot like Halo 2's Turf. The over-grown and crumbling buildings that this map features make it just stunning to look at. The outside ledges, high bridges, pen pipe structures and lush jungle make this a great map to play. I would surely put it in my top ten Halo 3 maps. Forge-wise this map is not the best. Bungie made it as good it could possible be to forge on with all the awesome objects they made for it but just the fact that the map contains so much of its own unchangeable design without any large open areas makes it a weak forge. I believe the only decent maps that could be created on this would be a racing one or possibly an infection one but any other variants would play pretty much the exact same way as the default Ghost Town does.
And so because it has great graphics and gameplay but not great forging, I give Ghost Town a 8.5/10
Blackout: Well this was the remake of Lockout that everyone wanted so badly. And although Bungie changed up a few jumps and the theme of the place it doesn't fail its former self. Not only does it play like Lockout (very well indeed) but it also looks amazing now too. Bungie set this map in the antartic at the edge of an ice-sheet as scientific weather station. The station itself looks awesome with frost-bitten walk-ways, glacier core samples, and other interesting gadgets and gizmos. Not to mention that it all takes place in the dark of nigh which gives the map an extremely unique feel. Plus Bungie threw the Aurora Borealis in the sky for a final effect to complete the experience. When you play this map and hear your footsteps clanking on the frozen metal and the sound of a discrete freezing wind passing by, you actually feel the chilling effect of the place as it immerses you into its presence. If you actually look back at Lockout you'll see how incredibly plain it seems in comparrison to its newer version. Forge-wise Blackout is one of the better maps on Halo 3. The numerous ramps and walk-ways make for great race-track possibilities, the doors can really change up the map, and the large areas of open space above, below and around the main structure make for a bunch of other possibilities. For all the above greatness mentioned I give Blackout a 9/10 (it is a remake).
Avalanche: This is an absolutely awesome map. I loved Sidewinder but this map absolutely blows that one out of the water. The massive mancannons allow for infinite fun launching warthogs and other vehicles into the enemy's base. The covenant versus human layout is also an extremely cool feature to include. I never get bored of playing this map- 5, 6, 7 times in a row on DLC team objective and I'm still wishing for it to be selected. The snow-covered trees, ice patches, and frosty structures make this map breath-taking (just as I imagine the climate would if it were real). The forging on this map is 5-star next to foundry. The open space and man-cannon cave give a great amount of room for imaginations to run wild. This map is more of a reimagination of Sidewinder than it is a remake since it has changed dramatically with the mancannons, and caves and such resulting in much more enjoyable gameplay and so that's my excuse for giving it a 10/10.
Now I know I've been pretty decent to the map pack but that's honestly because I love each of the maps excessively. And I'm not like that with all the maps as I detest Stand-Off and dislike Rat's Nest. Foundry wouldn't be very great either if it weren't for its astounding forge play. So there is my 27.5/30 total for the truly legendary Legendary Map Pack.
And just for kicks heres a few of my top ten lists:
Top Ten Halo maps through out the series: (game-play wise)
1. Relic
2. Headlong
3. Avalanche
4. Ascension
5. Blackout
6. The Pit
7. Turf
8. Epitaph
9. Ghost Town
10. Last Resort
Close calls= Guardian, Naorrows, & Coagulation.
(yes I know there are no Halo 1 maps- that's because all my favourite ones of those have been remade better i.e. Blood Gulch and Sidewinder)
Top Five Forge Maps:
1. Foundry
2. Avalanche
3. Blackout
4. Standoff
5. Last Resort
Top Five Least Favourite Halo 3 Maps (gameplay-wise)
1. Isolation
2. Standoff
3. Rat's Nest
4. High Ground (unless it's snipers)
5. Foundry
And that's it - feel free to post your top tens in your comments.
Friday, April 25, 2008
got all the stuff I need to make machinimas and will start immediately! Yes it is yet another paycheck blown ($450 total) but hey- I can finally make movies! Okay so this changes things up a bit. I know I haven't updated my blog lately (I just finished the last of my exams) so here's how things are going from here. Unless I end up with some extra free time there will be a delay in the release of previously mentioned reviews. Sadly the same will go for my 'Infection Colliseum' map as right now between work and other shit I only have two days for x-box (hopefully to be 3 soon). I have a whole new row of map ideas lined up too ( I average one a week and as I've fallen behind you can imagine I got quite a pile-up) some of them involving the new maps. The one I have planned for Avalanche will be very time-consuming but if I do it before anyone else thinks of it- it will easily have over a 1000 dls and become a Bungie hot topic- that I guarantee.
But enough of that for now- I know that the community prefers movies over maps (just look at the popularity of Jon's site). I plan to start small just to get used to things and then go big. I had been having some problems with my Vista compatibility but I've fixed them now (knock on wood).
The first video I will release will be a walk-through of my Recluse Mansion so that it's potential will be realized and I can spike it's dl's. It should be pretty simple to do too, so I'm using it as my starter. I may do the same thing next for Work Space. As for Mind Trap (my most popular map right now) I have other greater plans which will not be revealed to you for a long time. I also plan to make a montage later but that too will probably not be released for a while.
As for machinimas I will start them immediately after my map vids. I definately have one action series and a single comedy planned along with the beginnings of a permanent comedy series. I have yet to write the scripts but fear not as that is my forte.
Hold true supporters- there is a light yet to come!

My Production Logo
But enough of that for now- I know that the community prefers movies over maps (just look at the popularity of Jon's site). I plan to start small just to get used to things and then go big. I had been having some problems with my Vista compatibility but I've fixed them now (knock on wood).
The first video I will release will be a walk-through of my Recluse Mansion so that it's potential will be realized and I can spike it's dl's. It should be pretty simple to do too, so I'm using it as my starter. I may do the same thing next for Work Space. As for Mind Trap (my most popular map right now) I have other greater plans which will not be revealed to you for a long time. I also plan to make a montage later but that too will probably not be released for a while.
As for machinimas I will start them immediately after my map vids. I definately have one action series and a single comedy planned along with the beginnings of a permanent comedy series. I have yet to write the scripts but fear not as that is my forte.
Hold true supporters- there is a light yet to come!

My Production Logo
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Mervin Update
So a couple things here:
1. The votes are in and it's official that Jon Graham aka "DigitalPh33r" resembles mostly the hobbit Sam (Sean Astin) with Tobey Maguire (Spiderman) as the runner up. I will break the news to him on his blog sometime soon. Kidding, I'm sure he won't take it seriously, and besides it's helped people get used to the way he looks (and by that I don't mean that he looks weird or anything but just that it always takes some getting used to when you combine the visual with the audio). Anyways Sam's cool- Frodo couldn't have gone on with the journey to destroy the ring without him, just as Arby n' the Chief couldn't go on without Jon.
2. I'm working on a new map called 'Infection Collisuem' and as you can already deduce it is another infection map, although I am sorry to say that this will be my last one for a while as I have a few competitive maps planed out next. It will not be a regular infection map either- this one will completely redefine the infection gametype as I hope for it to result in very different gameplay for a more exciting and unique experience (yet to be assured). I'm not going to give out any more details until it's done since someone could steal my idea, but I will tell you that it's likely to take me a couple more weeks to finish. Trust me, it will be worth the wait.
3. I'm not blacklisted anymore so once again my map descriptions and pictures are accessable on Bungie.net. Yah!
4. I will be releasing a review of each of the maps in the Legendary Map Pack for Halo 3 in the near future. It will be a thorough and fair summary as was my review of the game itself. I also plan to do a review of Call of Duty 4 (yes I finally picked it up) after which will probably be followed by NHL 08 (okay so I blew my paycheck on games and microsoft points- better than wasting it on tuition).
5. I am in the process of thoroughly researching the requirements for making machinimas and it seems that I will have the supplies and will be making videos before the summer. I have some well-developed scripts too, so I can get to it as soon as I get the stuff.
And that's all, I hope it's enough to keep you tuned in to my blog for now.
1. The votes are in and it's official that Jon Graham aka "DigitalPh33r" resembles mostly the hobbit Sam (Sean Astin) with Tobey Maguire (Spiderman) as the runner up. I will break the news to him on his blog sometime soon. Kidding, I'm sure he won't take it seriously, and besides it's helped people get used to the way he looks (and by that I don't mean that he looks weird or anything but just that it always takes some getting used to when you combine the visual with the audio). Anyways Sam's cool- Frodo couldn't have gone on with the journey to destroy the ring without him, just as Arby n' the Chief couldn't go on without Jon.
2. I'm working on a new map called 'Infection Collisuem' and as you can already deduce it is another infection map, although I am sorry to say that this will be my last one for a while as I have a few competitive maps planed out next. It will not be a regular infection map either- this one will completely redefine the infection gametype as I hope for it to result in very different gameplay for a more exciting and unique experience (yet to be assured). I'm not going to give out any more details until it's done since someone could steal my idea, but I will tell you that it's likely to take me a couple more weeks to finish. Trust me, it will be worth the wait.
3. I'm not blacklisted anymore so once again my map descriptions and pictures are accessable on Bungie.net. Yah!
4. I will be releasing a review of each of the maps in the Legendary Map Pack for Halo 3 in the near future. It will be a thorough and fair summary as was my review of the game itself. I also plan to do a review of Call of Duty 4 (yes I finally picked it up) after which will probably be followed by NHL 08 (okay so I blew my paycheck on games and microsoft points- better than wasting it on tuition).
5. I am in the process of thoroughly researching the requirements for making machinimas and it seems that I will have the supplies and will be making videos before the summer. I have some well-developed scripts too, so I can get to it as soon as I get the stuff.
And that's all, I hope it's enough to keep you tuned in to my blog for now.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Halo 3 Reviewed
The release of Halo 3 had more anticipation than any other video game had seen in all of history. Halo 2 was a smash-hit for online play and Halo 3 was expected to further exceed expectations and push video game technology to the limit. The question is: did it succeed?
Graphics-wise Halo is a tad above the average 360 game, but most of the other very popular 360 games have noticeably better graphics. I wouldn't say Halo was a fail here- the graphics blow #2 out of the water, but it's not it's strong spot either. The spartans look lifelike, the natural environments look awesome and dead bodies flop around realistically enough, but actual humans aren't convincing, the brutes look a bit off and some levels lack a bit of detail. I give Halo 3 a 8/10 here.
Campaign-wise Halo has an advanced plot, but it has been continued from the two other games in the series. The campaign was fun but I believe it could have been slightly longer and the flood levels (mainly "Cortana") could have been made more enjoyable. However, Bungie did introduce the amazing feature of a four-player campaign, turning a lonely single-player journey into an awesomely social covenant massacre carried out by you and your friends. For that I give you major props Bungie. Then there's all the side tasks they included such as collecting the skulls, accessing the terminals, and finding the easter eggs. Not to mention the campaign-scoring system Bungie added which includes the option of turning on the skulls for extra points and harder enemies. The campaign in Halo 3 is definately one of the games highlights but since I don't like giving out 10's I'll give it a 9.5/10.
Multiplayer-wise Halo 3 is outstanding. With the well-organized, constantly updated and changed-for-a-more-enjoyable-experience match-making it has, I cannot think of a game that is more fun to play online. Everything is easy to find, options are easy to change (Promoting, booting and muting players), and up-to-four-player split-screen is available. But the biggest and greatest feature of Halo's multiplayer is the fact that everything is customizable! The players, the games and even the maps! For creating your own character you can make your own service tag, choose whether you want to be covenant of human, unlock, pick and choose your own armor, create and design your own emblem, and choose your own colours! This way there is an insanely massive variety of looks available so you can choose one to your liking and gain your own look and online identification. There are dozens of different gametypes that Bungie created and allow you to tweak or totally redefine and create your own game. The result of releasing these insane options to a vast community of gamers out there has caused an unheard of phenomenon of people creating entirely different games out of one disk. Bungie has also completed the effort of satisfying their fans by building an online community on their website where the games and maps can be uploaded and shared by everyone. Which leads me to the other extreme customizable feature in Halo 3- the maps. Bungie threw in a "forge" lobby where players can edit the maps they play on. Whether they just want to change the weapon layout or create an entirely different map, it's up to them. Players will have a hard time going from a game with these advanced features to playing one without them. Bungie also keeps releasing new map packs for downloadable content ensuring a variety great enough that one cannot get sick of repeatedly playing the same maps. And so with these infinitely superior customizable options Halo multiplayer is never the same, it's always updated and changing for the better resulting in the sickest replay value a videogame has ever seen. It is for that reason that I have no choice but to give Halo 3 multiplayer a 10/10.
Gameplay-wise Halo certainly exceeds expectations. From assassinating Grunts just after they shouted out a funny remark to having adrenaline-pumped face-offs with Hunters, from accidentally deploying a trip mine on your own team's warthog to landing a sweet no-scope to someone else's head with the sniper, Halo 3 has you on the edge of your seat the entire time. Again all the different types of games that you can play make for a really enjoyable experience. There's slayer, team slayer, capture the flag, assault, VIP, juggernaut, infection, territories, oddball, rockets, snipers, the list goes on, and with new maps and games being made many new types of games have been created such as puzzle solving ones. The weapons in Halo are also a high point, there is a wide variety of creative and uniquely-designed arsenal in the game such as the needler and the spartan laser. On top of that Bungie added an arrangement of equipment that adds a twist to the shooter. The equipment does a number of interesting things: the bubble shield, when activated, encompasses the user in a spherical forcefield, the powerdrain takes down the energy sheilds of all players within it's range, the flare temporarily blinds those who glance at it, the deployable grav lift allows it's user to instantly access a higher level or prevent a vehicle for splattering him/her, and the rest of the equipment operates along the same lines. There are also several types of grenades that can be used in the game, the fragmentation grenade, the plasma grenade, the spike grenade and the firebomb grenade, each with their own unique uses and purposes. And so far I have not even mentioned the vehicles of Halo 3, a huge feature that sets it apart from most other first-person shooters. It has a stunning array of unique war vehicles including flyable Banshees and Hornets, powerful Scorpion and Wrath tanks, the classic Warthogs and Ghosts and many more which are all just too much fun to use in the game. Because of the vast amount of work and creativity that Bungie put into this and because it makes the game so much more fun to play I'm afraid that I'll have to give another 10/10 for Halo 3 gameplay.
Presentation-wise Halo 3 is a success. The main menu looks great and all the different sections of the game are separated into organized lobbies where it's very easy to switch from one to another. The start menu is easy to navigate through and full of cool options such as Bungie's Favourites for popular maps, screenshot, videos, maps and gametypes along with a settings page to pick your controller lay-out, character's appearance, and so on. The pre and post-game lobbies are attractive and well layed out as to which players you can hear and which ones you can't depending on the playlist you are in. In less serious playlists you can hear everybody before the game and talk trash to each other whereas in the more serious ones you can discuss plans with your team without being overheard. After the game there is a carnage report that you can view to see all the details of the game just played, giving you something to do while waiting for the next match. Bungie also gave each player their own service record and stats history available in more detail on their website. The option to "party up" is also a handy feature that Bungie included so that you can play with your friends all night in a match-making playlist. The Custom Games lobby also experienced an upgrade from Halo 2 where gametypes can be created in the lobby instead of having to pull back to the main menu and leave the party. I cannot think of anything lacking in this department of Halo 3 so I give it a 10/10.
Extra features is what really sets Halo 3 apart from all the other games out there. The Bungie staff went way overboard in this department with the developement of the Forge and Theatre lobbies. As I've mentioned before the forge lobby allows you to edit maps and have them play whichever way you desire. This achievement cannot be over-emphasised as it is an awesome feature which will give Halo a much longer life than it would have had without it. Bungie made it as easy to use as they could and some really amazing maps have been created as a result from this effort. Once again major props to Bungie for the Forge (something that I obviously could not do without). Then there is the brilliant Theatre lobby both the machinima creator's and the protesting 12-year old's dream. In this lobby you can play back any recent games that you've played and take screenshots or make videos of your favourite moments. This is perfect for movie making because it not only allows you to pause a moment or go back instead of recording live but there is a "free roaming" camera option that allows you to take a picture or record a video from any angle you want! And so yes, this can be used to show your friends that you did hit that guy first or that your sniper shot did hit his head without killing him. Genius Bungie. I really should give this one more than ten but I have to keep up my image as a tough marker so 10/10.
And that's my review of Halo 3, glad to get that one off my chest, now to review the legendary maps when they come out :(
Halo 3's total score: 57.5/60 = 96%
(Yes Halo 3 succeeded in meeting its expectations, more so if you ask me.)
Graphics-wise Halo is a tad above the average 360 game, but most of the other very popular 360 games have noticeably better graphics. I wouldn't say Halo was a fail here- the graphics blow #2 out of the water, but it's not it's strong spot either. The spartans look lifelike, the natural environments look awesome and dead bodies flop around realistically enough, but actual humans aren't convincing, the brutes look a bit off and some levels lack a bit of detail. I give Halo 3 a 8/10 here.
Campaign-wise Halo has an advanced plot, but it has been continued from the two other games in the series. The campaign was fun but I believe it could have been slightly longer and the flood levels (mainly "Cortana") could have been made more enjoyable. However, Bungie did introduce the amazing feature of a four-player campaign, turning a lonely single-player journey into an awesomely social covenant massacre carried out by you and your friends. For that I give you major props Bungie. Then there's all the side tasks they included such as collecting the skulls, accessing the terminals, and finding the easter eggs. Not to mention the campaign-scoring system Bungie added which includes the option of turning on the skulls for extra points and harder enemies. The campaign in Halo 3 is definately one of the games highlights but since I don't like giving out 10's I'll give it a 9.5/10.
Multiplayer-wise Halo 3 is outstanding. With the well-organized, constantly updated and changed-for-a-more-enjoyable-experience match-making it has, I cannot think of a game that is more fun to play online. Everything is easy to find, options are easy to change (Promoting, booting and muting players), and up-to-four-player split-screen is available. But the biggest and greatest feature of Halo's multiplayer is the fact that everything is customizable! The players, the games and even the maps! For creating your own character you can make your own service tag, choose whether you want to be covenant of human, unlock, pick and choose your own armor, create and design your own emblem, and choose your own colours! This way there is an insanely massive variety of looks available so you can choose one to your liking and gain your own look and online identification. There are dozens of different gametypes that Bungie created and allow you to tweak or totally redefine and create your own game. The result of releasing these insane options to a vast community of gamers out there has caused an unheard of phenomenon of people creating entirely different games out of one disk. Bungie has also completed the effort of satisfying their fans by building an online community on their website where the games and maps can be uploaded and shared by everyone. Which leads me to the other extreme customizable feature in Halo 3- the maps. Bungie threw in a "forge" lobby where players can edit the maps they play on. Whether they just want to change the weapon layout or create an entirely different map, it's up to them. Players will have a hard time going from a game with these advanced features to playing one without them. Bungie also keeps releasing new map packs for downloadable content ensuring a variety great enough that one cannot get sick of repeatedly playing the same maps. And so with these infinitely superior customizable options Halo multiplayer is never the same, it's always updated and changing for the better resulting in the sickest replay value a videogame has ever seen. It is for that reason that I have no choice but to give Halo 3 multiplayer a 10/10.
Gameplay-wise Halo certainly exceeds expectations. From assassinating Grunts just after they shouted out a funny remark to having adrenaline-pumped face-offs with Hunters, from accidentally deploying a trip mine on your own team's warthog to landing a sweet no-scope to someone else's head with the sniper, Halo 3 has you on the edge of your seat the entire time. Again all the different types of games that you can play make for a really enjoyable experience. There's slayer, team slayer, capture the flag, assault, VIP, juggernaut, infection, territories, oddball, rockets, snipers, the list goes on, and with new maps and games being made many new types of games have been created such as puzzle solving ones. The weapons in Halo are also a high point, there is a wide variety of creative and uniquely-designed arsenal in the game such as the needler and the spartan laser. On top of that Bungie added an arrangement of equipment that adds a twist to the shooter. The equipment does a number of interesting things: the bubble shield, when activated, encompasses the user in a spherical forcefield, the powerdrain takes down the energy sheilds of all players within it's range, the flare temporarily blinds those who glance at it, the deployable grav lift allows it's user to instantly access a higher level or prevent a vehicle for splattering him/her, and the rest of the equipment operates along the same lines. There are also several types of grenades that can be used in the game, the fragmentation grenade, the plasma grenade, the spike grenade and the firebomb grenade, each with their own unique uses and purposes. And so far I have not even mentioned the vehicles of Halo 3, a huge feature that sets it apart from most other first-person shooters. It has a stunning array of unique war vehicles including flyable Banshees and Hornets, powerful Scorpion and Wrath tanks, the classic Warthogs and Ghosts and many more which are all just too much fun to use in the game. Because of the vast amount of work and creativity that Bungie put into this and because it makes the game so much more fun to play I'm afraid that I'll have to give another 10/10 for Halo 3 gameplay.
Presentation-wise Halo 3 is a success. The main menu looks great and all the different sections of the game are separated into organized lobbies where it's very easy to switch from one to another. The start menu is easy to navigate through and full of cool options such as Bungie's Favourites for popular maps, screenshot, videos, maps and gametypes along with a settings page to pick your controller lay-out, character's appearance, and so on. The pre and post-game lobbies are attractive and well layed out as to which players you can hear and which ones you can't depending on the playlist you are in. In less serious playlists you can hear everybody before the game and talk trash to each other whereas in the more serious ones you can discuss plans with your team without being overheard. After the game there is a carnage report that you can view to see all the details of the game just played, giving you something to do while waiting for the next match. Bungie also gave each player their own service record and stats history available in more detail on their website. The option to "party up" is also a handy feature that Bungie included so that you can play with your friends all night in a match-making playlist. The Custom Games lobby also experienced an upgrade from Halo 2 where gametypes can be created in the lobby instead of having to pull back to the main menu and leave the party. I cannot think of anything lacking in this department of Halo 3 so I give it a 10/10.
Extra features is what really sets Halo 3 apart from all the other games out there. The Bungie staff went way overboard in this department with the developement of the Forge and Theatre lobbies. As I've mentioned before the forge lobby allows you to edit maps and have them play whichever way you desire. This achievement cannot be over-emphasised as it is an awesome feature which will give Halo a much longer life than it would have had without it. Bungie made it as easy to use as they could and some really amazing maps have been created as a result from this effort. Once again major props to Bungie for the Forge (something that I obviously could not do without). Then there is the brilliant Theatre lobby both the machinima creator's and the protesting 12-year old's dream. In this lobby you can play back any recent games that you've played and take screenshots or make videos of your favourite moments. This is perfect for movie making because it not only allows you to pause a moment or go back instead of recording live but there is a "free roaming" camera option that allows you to take a picture or record a video from any angle you want! And so yes, this can be used to show your friends that you did hit that guy first or that your sniper shot did hit his head without killing him. Genius Bungie. I really should give this one more than ten but I have to keep up my image as a tough marker so 10/10.
And that's my review of Halo 3, glad to get that one off my chest, now to review the legendary maps when they come out :(
Halo 3's total score: 57.5/60 = 96%
(Yes Halo 3 succeeded in meeting its expectations, more so if you ask me.)
Friday, April 11, 2008
Friday Update
I've changed up my Mind Trap map to fix a few breaks in it. I also cleaned up some areas with the interlocking technique, something that I didn't know when I originally made the map. I've updated the link on this page so it'll take you to the new version. It's doing really well right now with nearly a hundred downloads in the first day so far. Work Space and Recluse Mansion have also taken off with Work Space being already well over 200 dls and Recluse Mansion closely behind at 186 dls and both have 4/5 ratings. I'm really stoked that they're doing so well, I don't know how many of the dls are coming from this site but I have a suspicion that the majority is from Bungie.net file forum viewers. I also ackknowledge the fact that Teleport Tower is no longer available. I had to delete it from my fileshare to make room for Recluse Mansion and it didn't have enough hits to keep it going. I'm not too concerned though, I never expected it to take off. I will delete the link eventually.
New Mind Trap pictures

Digitalph33r released his newest "It's a Wonderful Life" which I gave a 10/10 since I think that it is the best IAWL yet- there was a decrease in uneccessary swearing and yelling and an increase in the sting of the comebacks. If you want to watch the video follow my link to Digitalph33r Productions blog and it'll be accessible from there. Also there is only 2 days left to vote on who ph33r looks like and right now it's at Sam the hobbit, with Tobey Maguire as the runner-up.
I will officially release that Halo 3 review tomorrow- I work so I'll do it in my free time there. Rest assured it will be fair and well-thought out. I'm also going to be picking up a couple more games soon that I'll be able to review- most likely Call of Duty 4 and NHL 08. However, I think my next review will be on the Legendary Map Pack released next week. It should be awesome. I'm also going to be recieving my $750 tax return so it's likely that I'll use it to finaly pick up a capture card and the rest of the supplies required for making machinimas. So stay tuned, keep downloading my maps, and comment away!
I will officially release that Halo 3 review tomorrow- I work so I'll do it in my free time there. Rest assured it will be fair and well-thought out. I'm also going to be picking up a couple more games soon that I'll be able to review- most likely Call of Duty 4 and NHL 08. However, I think my next review will be on the Legendary Map Pack released next week. It should be awesome. I'm also going to be recieving my $750 tax return so it's likely that I'll use it to finaly pick up a capture card and the rest of the supplies required for making machinimas. So stay tuned, keep downloading my maps, and comment away!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Update - Recluse Mansion etc.
Yes, Recluse Mansion is now available on my fileshare, and soon I will publish it and post a link on my page here. I also fixed up Work Space so that you can't get stuck in the grav. lift vent and prepared it for one bomb and oddball. That too will soon be published. I am also considering to release a sort of floor plan for Recluse Mansion (and possibly the rest of my maps) so that those who view my site can learn how to access all of the hidden areas on it. I'm still planning to release a Halo 3 review soon, but right now I'm pretty busy (yet another essay). But this is my last week of school except for exams so I'll beable to update this site more often.
Enjoy my maps!
Enjoy my maps!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Mervin Update
I've decided to not only use this blog to promote my own maps and games but for other ones that I've played and enjoyed too. This way there will be something else to entertain you while you wait for my maps to be forged, and eventually my machinimas to be made. I know there are a few that I have that need to be tweaked to fix minor problems or glitches but I'll still keep the original authors name with it. I may do the odd game review too so look out for Halo 3's tomorrow.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
The rest of them.
Mind Trap: This is definitely the most time-consuming and creative map I have made to date. This is because it is not your regular kill-each-other type of game. In this map with its specific oddball gametype "Treasure Hunt", you have to figure out a way how to get past each room that you’re stuck in. It took every once of cunning that I had to produce this sucker and while it may not be marvellous to look at, it's extremely fun to play either by yourself or with group of friends up to four people. I have double, triple, and quadruple checked this map to make sure that there were no cheap shortcuts and that every room was definitely passable. I did leave a few shortcuts in on purpose so that when they reach a certain point, the players won't have to start from the very beginning each time they mess up and fail the challenge (if you die you will restart no matter what). Some challenges test your intelligence, while others test your skill and daring. See if you can beat it.

Work Space: This is my idea of an awesome infection map. The humans spawn inside the giant office building complete with a conference room and warehouse (hence 'Work Space') where they find a limited amount of Human weapons (flamethrower included). The zombies spawn outside in the back of a semi. The zombies then find there way inside the building through a network of vents in the ceiling and sneak attack their prey!
This is one of the few maps that makes it more fun to be the zombie than the human. I'm constantly having people ask me if I can change it so that they're the zombie for the entire game (eventhough it's impossible to do so, and even if it weren't I wouldn't do it for them because I want to be the damn zombie). It's pretty hard for the humans to win but not impossible, and it makes the victory that much more satisfying. Out of all the games I've played on this map of mine I'd say that humans win 30% of the time. The perfect infection type that I came up with for it is "Shadow Zombs" where the zombies are weak but the alpha's have active camo. The humans have a good 30 seconds to get prepared before the zombies come because thats how long it takes for the first dumpster to spawn outside giving the zombies access to the vents. There are three main vent ways leading into the building, one immediately left to the semi on the side of the building (the first to become accessable), one halfway down the building side in a corner ( the second to become accessable), and one at the very back of the building (the last to become accessable). There is no way for the humans to get out, so if you somehow manage to find one without editing it in forge then congrats, you achieved something that me and over a hundred other attempted and failed to accomplish. I also managed to cover the whole thing with a roof for a nice indoors feel (hence the low budget if you take it to forge). Have fun stealth attacking the humans!
Recluse Mansion: Yes, I just finished this today but this is really just a tease as I'm not done preparing it for all gametypes and therefore have not published it yet, but fear not, it will be downloadable soon. This mainly infection map is a massive, four story mansion chalk full of stunning hiding places. That's right all you hiders out there, I made this just for you. You can play this all you want and you'll never find every place.
Alright so here's how it works with the "Black Widow" gametype I designed for it. It's an all out battle between the Brown Recluses and the Black Widows (types of spiders for those of you who don't know). The Recluses (humans) have caught the Black Widow in a trap from which she is angrily trying to free herself, so now it's time for the Recluses to do what they do best, hide. And in this massive abandoned mansion that really isn't too hard a thing to do. They have a thirty-second head start before the Black Widow is free from her trap. Now the Widow attacks and though she may not beable to see her foes, her spider sense tells her where they are. Will the Recluses survive the time limit or will the Widow have her revenge?
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